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Still not sure about cause of pelvic pain

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by daisychain, Aug 25, 2024.

  1. daisychain

    daisychain New Member

    So I am still confused about the cause of my pelvic pain and urinary urgency/frequency. I had a UTI earlier this year and it went untreated for 3 months (due to medical mismanagement). It is now about 3 months since the infection was cleared, I've had lingering symptoms but steady improvement over that time. My urologist said it's possible to still have inflammation since I had the infection for so long.

    Having learned about TMS I feel like this applies to me but also maybe there is a physical cause as well? Stress and anxiety definitely have an impact but I don't feel it's the whole picture. Is it possible to have both a physical and neuroplastic cause for symptoms? Even before I heard of TMS my pain & symptoms were improving slowly so to me that suggests it is physical.
    JanAtheCPA likes this.
  2. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    I suggest that responders first review these earlier threads with @daisychain:
    https://www.tmswiki.org/forum/threads/new-here-and-trying-to-figure-it-out.28525/ (New here and trying to figure it out)

    https://www.tmswiki.org/forum/threads/importance-of-working-with-a-tms-therapist.28562/#post-149730 (Importance of working with a TMS therapist?)

    Look, Daisy - you read The Way Out and you were going to look for a coach or therapist to do PRT. If you're confused, I suspect it might be that you are avoiding the emotional aspect of this work. PRT doesn't do that, and we are seeing more evidence here that while people do get results with PRT, they don't seem to last for a certain number of people.

    Did you ever read one of Dr Sarno's books? I did not see evidence that you did, and that may be the source of your confusion. You must start there. Pick any of them - mine was The Divided Mind.

    Our free Structured Educational Program is better for getting to the true emotional source of your pain and distress.

    As for your perception that your pain was already getting better before you learned about TMS, I guess my question is, why did you end up investigating TMS? Just asking!

    Seriously, everyone here has experienced the fact that medical and hands-on treatments for chronic symptoms do help to relieve symptoms - temporarily. The laying on of hands itself is a comforting experience for chronic conditions and the placebo effect is very real and very powerful. And also very temporary.

    You are stuck in doubt, still going to a pelvic physio and overthinking and obsessing about the physical reasons WHY. On this forum, the physical reasons are irrelevant and we will not discuss them.

    Sadly, you are exactly where your fear-based TMS brain mechanism wants you to be. Stuck. I suggest that you need to change your perspective - 180 degrees - and start over.
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2024
    HealingMe likes this.
  3. Ellen

    Ellen Beloved Grand Eagle

    It's common for TMS to piggy back onto a medical problem like an infection. The infection clears, but your brain has discovered that having a distraction from emotional issues is beneficial, so the brain perpetuates the symptoms.

    As @JanAtheCPA recommends, it is time to do a structured program that addresses the emotional issues and dysfunctional thinking patterns that are the cause of TMS.
    JanAtheCPA and HealingMe like this.

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