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Stomach problems evidence sheet

Discussion in 'Support Subforum' started by sleepyjay, Jan 6, 2024.

  1. sleepyjay

    sleepyjay Peer Supporter

    Soooo i'm back again with my stomach issues. Honestly they are my hardest and most persistent symptom and i did not make much leeway with them, though they got easier to ignore.
    Since shortly after christmas i regularly (but not every day) get really bad stomach cramps after dinner. I tried to go at it the usual TMS way but its very persistent, with Last night being so horrible that i did not sleep at all, so i thought maybe an evidence sheet could bring me a bit further along.
    Here goes:

    - it only appears after dinner and never after another meal
    - it appeared on the day where we had a family christmas dinner (the first without my grandparents), christmas was a bad time for me mentally anyway
    - i'm dissatisfied with my life a lot at the moment and it's definitly a big stressor
    - the cramps always came when i ate with other people, so maybe i was subconciously stressed about that
    - it was mostly "new" food or at least food that i not usually and regularly eat, at least in these combinations
    - have a lot of decisions i have to make at the monent (even if they're just small)
    -putting off the big, scary decisions right now (life could become really uncertain in a while and i don't want to deal with that right now -> distraction)

    - the food that really broke my back last night was stuff i normally never eat and a lot of raw vegetables which are known to be hard on the stomach
    - there's a weird stomach bug going through my friend circle
    - could just be that i ate unusual food and my stomach reacts to that since i'm really sensitive with stuff like that
    - symptoms don't react to the TMS work at all (outcome independence, somatic tracking, journaling, messages of safety, just living life)
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2024
  2. Cactusflower

    Cactusflower Beloved Grand Eagle

  3. sleepyjay

    sleepyjay Peer Supporter

    Hi Cactusflower,
    Thank you for the response! I definitly agree with you with the way things are spelled out, which i think is part of the Problem for me right now.
    I had success with my other pain-sensations by doing it like Steve did but no luck for my gastrointestinal problems. So i'm searching for a different way to handle them since they appears resistant to the tools that normally work and i don't find it as "easy" to handle as, for example, my joint pain.

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