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Struggling with Seasonal Allergies as TMS

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Zendo3, Dec 11, 2023.

  1. Zendo3

    Zendo3 Newcomer

    I have applied this forum's and Dr. Sarno's principles several times to overcome some real TMS classics: low back pain that persisted after surgery, hip pain that persisted after surgery. Conditions were due to "abnormal MRIs ("slipped disc") and if I had known Dr. Sarna and TMS, I am pretty sure I could have avoided any of those surgeries. Now I am dealing with one persistent struggle where I find it harder to apply TMS principles: seasonal allergies.

    I have tested positive for various and changing seasonal allergies over the years (mold, pollen, pets, etc.) and have done allergy shots, neti pots, antihistamines - all without real relief.

    Now, my struggle seems to be this: when dealing with an "orthopedic" TMS condition, Dr. Sarno's relief is essentially immediate: 'My body is essentially normal, there is no physical danger, so I must resume all physical activity." I follow and implement that, meaning I go to the gym or play basketball and see: "oh wow, it's true, I can just do my sport nothing happens." This in return provides - more or less - instant verification that it was indeed TMS.

    So I struggle to produce a comparable verification for my allergies. They don't stop me from doing my routine/exercise they just mean I feel miserable all the time while doing it. And then, I start doubting if seasonal allergies are potentially different than classic TMS symptoms.

    Any thoughts greatly appreciated!!!
  2. Cactusflower

    Cactusflower Beloved Grand Eagle

    Miserable - that is your key.
    They make you miserable and you focus on that negative energy.
    Why not begin to look at your overall, conditioned life attitude.
    Do you tend to be a glass half empty or glass full person?
    Can you slowly begin changing your attitude towards whatever you are doing while you are “miserable”. Congratulate yourself on your ability to continue with these activities no matter what!
    Can you view this challenging symptom of allergies as yet another opportunity to continue your inner journey, to lighten your internal load by allowing yourself to feel the breadth of life: the sorrows and the joys without much self-judgement?
    I think sometimes these internal nuances can get stuck.. feel the annoyance to the allergy (embarrassment, inconvenience, interference with our competitiveness etc) and let it pass and get on with it. See what happens?
  3. Ellen

    Ellen Beloved Grand Eagle

    I struggle with this as well, and haven't made progress on it despite having recovered from a multitude of other TMS symptoms. I value @Cactusflower input above, and have learned to just accept it over the years.

    A few of my thoughts about it:
    1) The medical explanation is that it is due to an over-reactive immune system. This makes me think it may be related to the psychological condition of being overly defensive.
    2) I have often wondered if it is a substitute for crying, which is something I am almost always unable to do.
    julzibobz and MWsunin12 like this.
  4. Zendo3

    Zendo3 Newcomer

    Thanks so much for your insights, Cactusflower and Ellen!!
  5. mbo

    mbo Well known member

  6. julzibobz

    julzibobz New Member

    @Zendo3 Have you listened to Nicole's podcast? She recently released a podcast episode about allergies. It's called 'The Brain Science behind Allergies'. Maybe it is helpful for you.
    Ellen likes this.

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