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Stuttering & Spasmodic Dysphonia as a MindBody Neuroplastic Disorder

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by TMS RoundTable Global, Dec 22, 2024 at 2:33 PM.

  1. TMS RoundTable Global

    TMS RoundTable Global Peer Supporter

    Monday, December 23 at your local time
    This will be a fascinating discussion in understanding truly how the mind and body are intimately connected with Speech Disorders as well as Chronic Pain and other Autoimmune Conditions..

    Join us on tomorrow....
    1:00 pm USA (est)
    10:00 am USA (pst)
    20:00 SAST ( South Africa)
    20:00 Israel
    Let's meet for a LIVE interactive, insightful ('take home tools') beneficial discussion with my guest Peter Louw...

    Please take a moment and view Dr Howard Schubiner's informative article on this subject

    https://www.tmswiki.org/forum/threads/the-kings-speech-as-mind-body-syndrome.9114/?fbclid=IwY2xjawHVSHpleHRuA2FlbQIxMQABHSmPne_Fsf-3leoP9Jdnb-L0Zk3MfeAIjhhHMdtEAiKXCU95UkBBwva0Yg_aem_d39NcG2OS6bAYKrsU7PiVg (Dr. Schubiner's Blog - The King's Speech as Mind Body Syndrome)

    Attached Files:

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