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Tension in Groin

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by jrid32, Jan 13, 2024.

  1. jrid32

    jrid32 Peer Supporter

    I have been plagued with numerous TMS symptoms and have successfully worked my way through them. Now I'm dealing with "tension" in both sides of my groin. It's like a deep ache feeling. I've never experienced this symptom. In the past during stressful events I can feel myself holding tension in my groin, but in past that tension would go away quickly. This time it's pretty constant unless I'm running or working out.

    Is this common?
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2024
  2. fridaynotes

    fridaynotes Well known member

    i have the same exact thing! drives me crazy. i guess that’s why it’s tms and it persists!
    jrid32 likes this.
  3. jrid32

    jrid32 Peer Supporter

    I guess it's reassuring that someone else is dealing with the same. I'm approaching it as TMS and using the tools: mindfulness meditation, shifting my thoughts to emotions, and reassuring myself it's TMS.
  4. fridaynotes

    fridaynotes Well known member

    It’s been the most pernicious TMS i’ve had. It even went away for like 6 months and then came back and has been really really difficult to overcome. even though it shows all the hallmarks of TMS. the symptoms have been lessening but the still do persist. i try to keep doing the work, trying to soothe my nervous system, daily journaling and just trying to stand up to it and not be afraid. i guess it’s a process!
    jrid32 likes this.
  5. jrid32

    jrid32 Peer Supporter

    I'm happy to note that these symptoms have moved on! For me, it was reassuring hearing that another TMS suffer had the same symptom and thus allowed my brain to quit worrying about it.
    fridaynotes likes this.
  6. Shaboogie

    Shaboogie New Member

    Hi. I’ve been having the old stomach and reflux again. This time I made some progress getting off antacids and using journaling and rest as a tool to help. Then… bam! groin pain. That’s a new one for me.
  7. fridaynotes

    fridaynotes Well known member

    it’s a symptom imperative! treat it like any other TMS bullshit. do not fear it!
    JanAtheCPA likes this.
  8. Shaboogie

    Shaboogie New Member

    yeah seems like it. Man they bounce around. Thank you!

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