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Day 1 The bridge between a pain filled and pain free world

Discussion in 'Structured Educational Program' started by invincible, Aug 13, 2024.

  1. invincible

    invincible Peer Supporter

    My journey with TMS and it's acceptance has been one hell of a ride. I still find it quite insane at times, that in the last month I've been doing things I didn't dream of doing for the last 1 year.

    I've fully accepted the TMS diagnosis but I still do have moments of doubt and fear.
    I've completed Dr. Alan Gordon's pain program a week ago and have now decided to jump into the SEP to delve deeper and learn more about myself.

    I refer to the current time in my life as a bridge because I do still have pain but either don't bother too much about it or tell my brain that i know what it's doing and i've caught it lapsing way too many times to actually bother about any symptoms it throws at me.

    Some doubts that I have regarding TMS is the use of physical therapy (mostly dry needling) and training with a personal trainer.
    I find that some amount of physical therapy via dry needling does help me recover and loosen up my muscles quicker especially post playing a sport (ultimate frisbee usually).
    Post playing my muscles especially in the glutes and hamstrings tend to get tight and my knees don't feel as stable while running. (Knees are structurally fine, just old injuries that the TMS is using to play with me)

    I do however acknowledge that this is a transition phase from having played no sports for the last 2 years to now playing regularly again and it's just a matter of conditioning. I am careful not to make the mistake of believing that the physical therapy will cure me, but rather look at it as a support for me to help my body get back to it's previous rugged conditioning.
    I like working with a personal trainer because I had so many mental restrictions when it came to movement, so I find it helpful to slowly ramp it up week by week. I also do want to focus on building athletic prowess so I look at personal training more from that angle - how can I increase my speed? how can I jump higher? can I train my fast twitch muscles, strength, coordination? all that good stuff

    I foam roll, stretch and use a foam ball to do various self fascial releases.
    With all these, I still recognise that these are merely tools to aid me in my healing process with the real root of the symptoms being in my brain.

    Another observation I made which is quite amusing to me now is, the first day I went to play I was ecstatic. Extremely sore for the next 4 days, but ecstatic.
    The next couple of times I went to play, I was able to play more, but found myself sad and down post playing which was so confusing to me in the moment.
    It took me a couple of days to realise that my self critical habit and pressure that I put on myself was creeping back in. As I felt better, the bar in my brain kept raising and was trying to keep me in this perpetual cat and mouse chase.
    It was then that I decided that I would find joy in small things throughout the day. I looked back at the progress that I have made in the last month and I smile, laugh and tell myself how proud of myself I am.

    Yet, I am only human so this struggle is constant. I just don't pay heed to it anymore.
    My new belief is to allow myself to feel things and then let them pass through me.
    Sadness, Anger, Happiness all of it.
    Feel it, experience it and then bye bye see you next time.
    Would love to hear any thoughts on how this belief can be practiced in a healthy and safe manner.

    Much Love to all
    Edgerton, JanAtheCPA and Ellen like this.
  2. Diana-M

    Diana-M Well known member

    You sound like you’re doing awesome! Congrats on all your success. You have a lot of wisdom regarding healing from TMS. Thanks for sharing!
  3. Diana-M

    Diana-M Well known member

    Have you ever read Hope and Help for Your Nerves, by Claire Weekes, MD? It’s also available on audible.com. She talks a lot about just floating through your emotions as they wave over you. She is a favorite of many here on the forum.
    JanAtheCPA likes this.
  4. invincible

    invincible Peer Supporter

    @Diana-M Thanks for the motivation!
    Funnily enough I have the book right next to me. Currently finishing off The Mind Body Prescription and then I'll start off on it.

    Do you know if there is any way I can tag my post with a 'physiotherapy/physical therapy/dry needling' tag?
    Will that help those who know more about the doubt that I have find it more easily?
  5. Diana-M

    Diana-M Well known member

    Ha! That’s great you have the book! You add tags at the top. Just search for the words you want and add. If there isn’t a tag you want, you can just create one.
    JanAtheCPA likes this.

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