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The Journey Out of Chronic PAIN with Dr David Hanscom

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by TMS RoundTable Global, Aug 19, 2024.

  1. TMS RoundTable Global

    TMS RoundTable Global Peer Supporter

    I learn and study with my clients two Neuroplastic & MindBody Scientific based programs of Healing Chronic Pain & Autoimmune.
    One of them was created by.....
    Dr. David Hanscom and we will be exploring for the next 2 weeks on the TMS RoundTable Recovery... his outstanding
    DOC (Direct Your Own Care) Journey Program

    JOIN US LIVE ON TMS RoundTable Recovery
    Join us Tuesday,
    August 20 at your local time
    10:30 am USA pdt
    1:30 pm USA edt
    6:30 pm BST
    20:30 Israel
    Let’s learn about the DOC Journey.. from Dr David Hanscom who himself used it to heal his chronic pain and autoimmune symptoms

    JOIN https://www.facebook.com/tmsroundtablerecoverychronicpain/

    Attached Files:

    JanAtheCPA likes this.

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