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Day 26 The last time I spoke with my parents

Discussion in 'Structured Educational Program' started by PhillipAndr, May 11, 2024.

  1. PhillipAndr

    PhillipAndr Peer Supporter

    It's been over two months since I spoke with my parents. Before starting this course, I did a lot of work on attachment theory and from that, a lot of wounds came to the surface. I decided then to stop my conversations with them as I was feeling incredibly angry about aspects of my upbringing and thought that it would be wiser to wait until I processed some of my emotions before I spoke with them. Thorugh this course, more and more things have been coming to the surface which has encouraged me to remain taking my space. It feels actually good to do this, even though I know that particularly my mother is not a big fan of my decision - but that's her problem and not mine. I've come to the conclusion that to move forward from my symptoms I need to fully embrace my authentic self, letting go of personality traits that served me to protect me when I was a child to remain attached to my parents and receive their validation. This requires a significant mindset shift and deprogramming of fundamental mechanisms that are embedded in my nervous system. So I need my space. I sent them a letter before stopping our communication stating that I'm stepping into my authentic self and that this will involved stop looking for their validation and follow models of success that are not serving me anymore. It felt incredibly powerful to do that. I'll speak with them again, probably when I finish this course. But for now, I'm fully focused on speaking with myself first. It is time.
    JanAtheCPA likes this.
  2. Diana-M

    Diana-M Well known member

    Wow! This is amazing! I am fully impressed and inspired by what you are doing. It takes courage. And it takes self awareness. You are 100 percent earning your healing.
    HealingMe and JanAtheCPA like this.

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