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The Many Faces of TMS

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Bonnard, Oct 28, 2023.

  1. Bonnard

    Bonnard Well known member

    I'm really taken by the phrase, "the many faces of TMS," which Dr. Sarno used in his first book, Mind over Back Pain, to suggest that TMS can show up in a variety of ways.

    Check out the below list that I just put together. I pulled all of the below symptoms and ailments from the Thread Titles in the first page of the General Discussion Forum right now. I didn't go into the threads--just scanned the thread titles and pulled out those 20 symptoms / ailments.
    (I'm not trying to comment on these individually in any specific way. And, not saying all these are TMS or this one is TMS and this one is not...)

    The wide variety on this list is incredible (and back pain only shows up twice). It's easy to chase and think it's not TMS unless I can find someone who has had exactly the same presentation of symptoms that I had. I think that's part of the distraction (my situation is different/unique) that can keep us focusing on the physical and can keep us in pain and discomfort. There's a phrase for that behavior that I've seen in a couple posts recently. Anyone have that phrase handy?

    Burning sensation in gut
    Focal dystonia
    Hormonal imbalance
    Hip pain and abnormalities
    Heart palpitations and trembling
    Electric shocks
    Small fiber neuropathy
    Digestive problems
    Calf compartment syndrome
    Urinary frequency and pain
    Back pain
    Disc protrusion
    Sacroliac joint instability
    Crohn's disease

    Cap'n Spanky and JanAtheCPA like this.
  2. hecate105

    hecate105 Beloved Grand Eagle

    I cant think what the phrase is....
    But, I think we all assume a pain or symptom is physical because we have been brought up in a western/science has all the answers culture - where mind and body are seen as separate. In fact - and now even science IS starting to catch up - mind and body are 'entangled' to say the least!!
    I spent more than 20 years trying to figure it out - even when I had exhausted all the 'doctors' potions and tried all the 'alternative therapies' I still failed to find out. I had always thought that we influenced our own lives/health etc - but I just never found the way to truly discover 'how' I was causing my own illness.... until I read Sarno's 'Divided Mind' - then it was like a flash of lightning! It all fitted like a jigsaw - and it put me on the road to recovery.....
    I guess it depends how we think.. Some of us look outside for answers, some look within,, but eventually we come to find the right way - even then it is bloody difficult!! But SO worth it!!!
    Cap'n Spanky likes this.

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