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Day 22 The most helpful from this program

Discussion in 'Structured Educational Program' started by PhillipAndr, May 6, 2024.

  1. PhillipAndr

    PhillipAndr Peer Supporter

    What part of this program do you find the most helpful?

    I feel like I've learnt so much through this program. I think one of the most helpful things has been the paradigm shift that I'm going in regard to stop reacting to my symptoms/emotions. I've realised through this program that I've been scaring myself excessively everytime I'd experience a symptom or difficult emotion. I'd panic and do everything that I can to either avoid it or run away from it - not knowing that it would always chase me.

    I've learnt to sit with the pain, and sit with my emotions - using my mind effectively to achieve this. This has been invaluable. I've done several 10-day silent mediation retreat where to a large extent they teach something similar, to be equaniomous with the pain. But, for some reasons, it just never sticked. Perhaps because the retreat's approach was not contextualised enough, not sure. But with this program, I can see a definite (and hopefully permanent) mindset shift. I'm becoming friends with my symptoms and with my emotions. I'm learning that it's not about stopping them from coming, but from learning how to be with them. I experienced this last night, something happened and I was feeling lots of fear. I just stayed with it and observed, gave it space for it to just be. Today I woke up fresh and had a normal day. So, what I am learning with emotions and pain, life is about just letting them come and go as they wish, not to overact to them, but rather to just witness and carry on. Listen to them to understand what they are intending to communicate but not to run away from them or try to change them. It's a wonderful and liberating mindset shift.
    miffybunny, JanAtheCPA and Diana-M like this.
  2. Diana-M

    Diana-M Well known member

    This is wonderful information! Thank you!

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