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Day 8 The pain of being frustrated

Discussion in 'Structured Educational Program' started by zebutter, Jun 8, 2016.

  1. zebutter

    zebutter Newcomer

    Ever since I accepted my TMS diagnosis and started the structured education program, I have found that the main emotion that really brings up my symptoms is frustration, and the anger that comes along with the frustration.

    I teach music as a profession, and if any of you here are teachers as well, you'll understand how frustrating it can get some times. Not when students don't get it, but when they seem uninterested or just flat out refuse to take your lessons seriously. Then they start to wonder why they've hit a wall, in terms of improvement, and they ask you about it when it is extremely clear to you that they aren't improving because they haven't been following your advice. That is extremely frustrating. Even worse is that we are required to remain professional, so I hide my frustration with a smile and slowly repeat the things that I've already told them a hundred times. This masking of my frustration eventually leads to rage, which I believe is one of the main causes of my TMS.

    I've also noticed that lessons with students who are constantly improving and receptive of the lessons are much easier and mostly pain-free.

    Another thing that causes frustration is boredom, and I get bored really easily. But I find that I can easily fix that by distracting my mind with hobbies or some non-frustrating work.
  2. Jaromir

    Jaromir New Member

    My girlfriend is teacher and I know exactly what you mean. Sometimes she come back from lesson and she is absolutelly tired- like after some exercise. I think she has it from the same reason, as she was telling me how her students sometimes dont care about the subject. I know she was telling me, that she has one collegue which is choosing her students. Whenever she feels bad vibes during the lesson, she just avoid teaching this person. It is radical, but it might be solution. Also learning of how to be assertive might help?
  3. Walt Oleksy (RIP 2021)

    Walt Oleksy (RIP 2021) Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hi, zebutter. I believe that frustration is a symptom of TMS. It may align with having a perfectionist personality, wanting to do your best and please people such as your music students. It looks like you understand this and are adjusting to it.

    I've wished all my life that I could play the piano. I've never taken lessons and can play melody but have never done well with chords. I finally gave up and just enjoy listening to piano CDs.

    I wouldn't let bored students or your frustration with them get you down. Just take it in stride and focus on the students who like learning the instrument.

    You are in an occupation that can enrich the lives of anyone who is willing to practice. Music is one of God's greatest gifts to us. So are music teachers.
  4. zebutter

    zebutter Newcomer

    Thank you for your words of encouragement, Walt! I'll keep what you said in mind.

    Jaromir, I've been trying to pick and choose my students, but it's a little difficult as I teach in a school, so we don't have much choice as to who we end up teaching. Learning how to be more assertive does sound like it might help though!

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