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Therapeutic approach have healed a large number of my conditions and bottlenecks to happiness

Discussion in 'Success Stories Subforum' started by Bicepmuffins, Jul 1, 2024.

  1. Bicepmuffins

    Bicepmuffins Peer Supporter

    Hello all. I wanted to give you an update on all of my successes in life since encountering Sarnos summation of what's been known for a long time.. that chronic illness is often a process of traumatic suppression and stress overload on the nervous system.

    Here are the following conditions that I have healed entirely which only flare on very rare occasion and cause little to no bother to my life:
    - sciatica
    - tennis elbow
    - carpel and cubital tunnel syndrome
    - idiopathic neuropathy
    - gallbladder and various organ palpitations and symptoms
    - benign fasciculations
    - testicular pain
    - itching
    - hip dysfunction / annular tear
    - posterior tibial tendon
    - plantar fasciitis
    - trigeminal neuralgia
    - tooth pain
    - lip numbness
    - tinnitus
    - digestive symptoms
    - eczema
    - heart pain
    - back pain
    - erectile dysfunction

    Here are the conditions that are actively coming and going but improving:
    - dry eye
    - eye strain
    - insomnia
    - depression
    - knee pain

    This is likely not a full list but as you can see.. symptom imperative had run rampant. I believe that's partially due to how good I am at identifying and reducing symptoms. Some of those conditions took a long time but many have come and gone in a week or so as I was not going to be convinced so easily.

    What I am doing now to address some of these problems:
    - journaling
    - exercise
    - self help
    - therapy

    What I am currently doing that is absolutely incredible at addressing the core of these symptoms and I WOULD HIGHLY RECOMMEND ALL DO is a therapy modality called IFS (internal family systems). It allows you to use your somatic experiences such as pain and illness to gain a deeper understanding and relationship with your subconscious. This process will allow you to leverage your conditions to traverse them to core trauma and suppression and give the release needed to solve the issue from the ground up and also address these symptoms with love instead of avoidance. I feel a lot of the work we do is to reduce these symptoms and conditions but one needs to tend to the hurt parts of us that are looking for attention through these core problems

    I wish you all a lot of luck and am willing to answer any follow up questions you may have. Love you all and god speed
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2024
  2. Mannion7

    Mannion7 Newcomer

    Hi, thanks for this post. It's really encouraging as I share a lot of the problems you had.

    Could you tell me a little more about your dry eyes, before this therapy and now. Did you ever see specialists and get a diagnosis? It's my scariest problem cause there's a lot of horror stories out there.

    I had actually just bought a book on IFS. Did you work with a therapist?
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2024
  3. Dusty

    Dusty New Member

    Thank you for sharing.
  4. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    Last edited: Jul 10, 2024
  5. Bicepmuffins

    Bicepmuffins Peer Supporter

    the dry eyes are ongoing and persistent. They are really weird. I’ll have pain in 1 eye or the other with or without dryness. I have floaters. Lots of stuff going on with the eyes.

    I hate screens. They are my access or stressors like my job and people. I imagine that I know I hate screens deep down and it’s very repetitive and persistent trigger bc I continue to use screens and hold an expectation they would mess me up

    iFS has allowed me to use my eye discomfort to access deeper pain underneath that was seemingly emotional such as an ex girlfriend. I had some laser treatments to reduce inflammation to the eyes and it helped reduce symptoms for a while

    I noticed a couple things tho. It started when I was my most depressed and then increased throughout a very stressful relationship. And when I’m doing drugs that make me feel healthy, the eyes are fine. Like mdma or cocaine or whatever.

    I’m sure it’s psychosomatic but it’s a pain in the ass all the same and I don’t really do much Tms work. I just ignore and do my ifs

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