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Thigh pain

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Jake, Jul 17, 2024.

  1. Jake

    Jake New Member

    Hi all !
    I recieve monthly injections in the thigh and had these injections for about 3 months so far. This last time it hurt much more than usual when he gave the injection, and after as well, but went away about 4 days later. A few days later I ran for about a half a minute and the pain started coming back and seemed to spread to nearby areas.
    I was under stress, due to medical issues, and I am the type to worry . I also had TMS a few years ago.
    Therefore I feel that this situation is ripe to be for TMS.
    My question is , if it is truly TMS, then why didn't these symptoms start a month or two ago when I went through a more trying time?
    Why did it wait till now that I'm more on the recuperating side (I'ts actually about 6 weeks since my last treatment).
    Thank you all for your input!
  2. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hi @Jake. I don't think I can answer this question without more information. That being said, if you are familiar with the TMS concept, and if there is no medical reason to be concerned that you need immediate physical treatment, why not apply TMS knowledge and see what happens? The next questions would be, how much (or little) do you actually know? What have you read (Sarno?) and did you ever do a structured program (one of ours, or others) designed to contemplate your mental health and examine your repressed emotions?
  3. Ellen

    Ellen Beloved Grand Eagle

    I have a theory about this. During your stressful time, the stress itself was enough of a distraction for the brain that it didn't need TMS symptoms to distract you. Once your life quiets down, then there is more danger of your repressed emotions breaking through, so that is when your brain creates TMS symptoms to distract you. This is why many people experience TMS symptoms when they go on vacation and have a break from a stressful job. This happened to me when I still had migraines. I would always get one following a very stressful time.
    HealingMe, JanAtheCPA and BloodMoon like this.
  4. Jake

    Jake New Member

    Thanks for your input "JanAtheCPA" I am trying to implement the TMS concept but because of my question it becomes much harder to do.
    "Ellen" Your Theory does make sense. However I don't think it's repressed emotions, It's all the worrying that was done, and is still there but to a lesser degree. The subconscious can't deal with it so it brings on something else to focus on.
    I was very emotional when I completed one of the therapies, and was told that it's a normal psychological response, because as a person it going through it, they can't really think too much into it. But when it's over, then the emotions flow!
    I believe that can be applied here as well. And it took this last injection to bring out the TMS.
    Thanks again!
  5. Baseball65

    Baseball65 Beloved Grand Eagle

    Sarno makes this perfectly clear in 'Healing Back Pain' when he describes the 'patterns' of pain people have..and that is one of the 3 he mentions...to a T.

    Also...a lot of time we think we are 'over' an emotional or external problem and since it no longer occupies our attention it goes into the UNconscious where we are still angry about it.
    I went through one of the most emotionally and physically trying periods of my life right before my initial back pain started..all of the drama was over....but the outcome of the drama? The ID inside me was not oK with the outcome..only my conscious 'adult' brain had reasoned away the status quo.

    I was pissed. I just didn't know it...because OW!!!
    HealingMe, Ellen and JanAtheCPA like this.
  6. Jake

    Jake New Member

    Thank You so much! Please explain which does Dr Sarno describe as one of the 3 main patterns. Thank you!
  7. Baseball65

    Baseball65 Beloved Grand Eagle

    Rather than have me paraphrase it, you'd be better served by reading it. They begin on page 16.
    HealingMe likes this.
  8. Jake

    Jake New Member

    I was asking because I don't have that book. I just wanted to know which part of my original post does he describe to the T? Is it that the pain is in a slightly different area ( I know that is one of the ways to tell if it's TMS). Or the fact that it took some time after the stress to come out. Either way, thanks for the quick response!
  9. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    @Jake, if you don't read one of Dr Sarno's books, you might to find it kind of tough to get anywhere with the experienced members of this forum. Our general premise is that there is a level of understanding of Dr Sarno's theories that is needed so that we are all on the same page. I'm just being realistic and also promoting efficiency.

    Dr Sarno, a short biography and bibliography:
    https://www.tmswiki.org/ppd/John_E._Sarno,_MD (John E. Sarno, MD)
    All of his books are available in all formats at my two public libraries (city and county) and when I came across a recommendation to read one of them back in 2011, I was able to download the ebook right away, so it cost me nothing. You only need to read one. Given a choice, I recommend The Mindbody Prescription since you don't specifically have back pain but the other two are equally relevant and excellent.

    This free, short quiz from the PPD Association (PPD is another term for TMS) can help you gain a clearer vision of your chronic pain. https://ppdassociation.org/ppd-self-questionnaire (Self Quiz — Psychophysiologic Disorders Association) (Self Quiz — Psychophysiologic Disorders Association)[/QUOTE]
  10. Jake

    Jake New Member


    Thanks so much! I do have one of his books, and have read that. I also have lectures he has given (a few hours worth). I found that to be the most effective for me. In addition I have attended a live lecture on his theory by someone who is proficient in his axioms. I'm not coming into this without any knowledge. I do feel I have a good foundation in the theories behind TMS.
    Thank again!
  11. Baseball65

    Baseball65 Beloved Grand Eagle

    Trigger event, Slow onset, and delayed onset. (1,2 and 3)
    What you described is Delayed onset. We 'deal with the stuff' while its going on, but when it is over THEN the collective anger necessitates a symptom.

    I am glad you asked. I have no TMS right now, BUT My son and I had a HUGE blow out yesterday...well, not huge from my 'mental' awareness, but Huge from FAMILY/EMOTIONAL/PAINBODY stuff..I am exhausted and this is the second weekend in a row I have had to work.
    I remained totally calm while he blew a gasket and then I calmly encouraged him to leave the job....TMS 101

    NOW I have to be vigilant..right now, under the gun, I might not get anything...but It could come and get me when I finally get a chance to relax....That is one of my normal patterns.

    The last episode I had about two months ago started under similar circumstances and it didn't get a toe hold until I was relaxing playing guitar in my backyard on my day Off!!!!
  12. Cactusflower

    Cactusflower Beloved Grand Eagle

    There’s a lot of expectation mixed in with the knowledge of your pattern and the waiting for it. What if you just grab pen and paper and deal with it head on?
  13. Baseball65

    Baseball65 Beloved Grand Eagle

    Already done. and doing.

    Also, I am not 'waiting for it'... That is victim mentality. I know the things that cause TMS. Sarno said 'todays Work fends off tomorrow's TMS' so once you know what sort of things do it, being vigilant is not 'waiting for anything' anymore than paying my rent is being vigilant about becoming homeless.
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2024
    backhand likes this.
  14. Jake

    Jake New Member

    Thanks so much! While I'm pretty convinced it's TMS, I hope a little physical therapy will help alleviate it more quickly. BTW I also play the guitar and it's very therapeutic for me!

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