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Day 36 Things are going great

Discussion in 'Structured Educational Program' started by Edgerton, Sep 1, 2024.

  1. Edgerton

    Edgerton New Member

    :::Nothing but good things to report, sharing this to add some positivity and gratitude because some of my other posts have been negative and cynical:::

    Hi all-
    I've been having some huge wins lately—spending ~45 minutes every morning on my feet as I make coffee and putter around the house almost every day the last week or so. I stood up for almost an hour yesterday morning and then walked 10,000 steps, a feat I haven't accomplished in years. I still have a little bit of pain but, as weird as it sounds, I just don't care about it anymore.

    Standing up for prolonged period has been a major problem in my life for the last 15+ years. I stopped going to concerts and playing sports, became fussy about if the shoes I was wearing were cushioned enough, and would decide where I could go based on the quality of the seating options.

    Anyway, great things are happening. I've been able to do bodyweight workouts on the floor and my body seems far less tense that it used to. I've been stretching forever and it never seemed to do much. Stretching appears to be "working" now because I spend an hour every morning journaling and settling into my feelings. My body and nervous system, by way of digging in deep into these weird things called "feelings" lol, is loosening me up. It still feels silly to me in some ways but I can't argue with these results.

    What I owe the success to is sticking with the Structured Education Program, being consistent (easy for me), and accepting that I have chronic pain and that the situation is connected to my emotions (which felt damn near impossible).

    Grateful for the kind words, support, and firm words from @Baseball65, @JanAtheCPA, @Booble, @Cap'n Spanky, @Cactusflower, @Diana-M, @Mitocondria. You people are amazing and wonderful and have done more for me than the thousands of dollars I've spent on health practitioners and hundreds of hours I've spent with doctors and physical therapists.

    If you're reading this and not getting wins, stick with it. I've been through the ringer on my shit (see my first post) and I'm having the first meaningful change in two decades.

    Last edited: Sep 1, 2024
  2. Ellen

    Ellen Beloved Grand Eagle

    Congratulations! Thanks for sharing your success as it will inspire others.
    Edgerton likes this.
  3. Diana-M

    Diana-M Well known member

    This is wonderful news!!! What an inspiration. What a great story! I’m so impressed you’ve stuck with the SEP and everything until you made some headway. You must be so excited to be standing and walking so much now. dancea
    Edgerton likes this.
  4. Cactusflower

    Cactusflower Beloved Grand Eagle

    fantastic news!
    Edgerton likes this.
  5. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    Great update, @Edgerton! And from one lifelong cynic to another, you can do this work and still maintain a healthy amount of cynicism :D

    Edgerton likes this.
  6. Baseball65

    Baseball65 Beloved Grand Eagle

    It's all up from there. That is Sarno's 'attitude of disdain' he told us to have towards the pain.
    It used to be the 'Bully who took my lunch money everyday' but after I read Sarno it was 'an annoying younger sibling'.

    Edgerton likes this.
  7. Cap'n Spanky

    Cap'n Spanky Well known member

    That's awesome, @Edgerton! It's so great to hear things are going well! It really and truly works. No B.S.
    Edgerton likes this.
  8. Edgerton

    Edgerton New Member

    hahaha good to know

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