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Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Michael Coutts, Jan 22, 2024.

  1. Michael Coutts

    Michael Coutts Peer Supporter

    Doing the work of talking to your brain over and over throughout every day about every enraging thing that has ever happened to you and keeps on happening to you IS NOT HARD WORK.

    Reading John Sarno's books back to back again and again and again over and over and over, thereby getting the message down to your subconscious that 'Indeed, it gets the message' and understands that all of the horrible agonizing pain and uncomfortable symptoms are a distraction from all of your ugly old buried rage, and that it doesn't need to give you these terrible symptoms, because you're big and strong and can handle all of your buried rage, IS NOT HARD WORK.

    It may be inconvenient work, or annoying work, or uncomfortable work, but using John Sarno's techniques IS NOT HARD WORK.

    Of course with any scrap of spare time we have in our days we would probably prefer to do any of a zillion things than read John Sarno books. Reading books for the purpose of educating ourselves smacks way too much of everything that we all loathed about school.

    Our lives are busy to the max. Who wants to read John Sarno books in their free time when they could be watching TV, or hanging out with people we love and like, or playing guitar or playing sports or whatever.

    Do you know where the best place to read John Sarno books is? The bathroom. It is easy to read a paragraph or chapter anytime you're there, and you always end up in the bathroom everyday no matter what. Great place to pick away at Sarno's books, or loiter for extra long if you've got time and the book is pure joy to read (as it has been for me).

    The bathtub is also a great place to read John Sarno books. For the two above reasons it is wise to get your own copy of John Sarno's books as library's often frown on reading books anywhere but a tidy place- but don't let that stop you!

    As for the talking to your brain, you can do this pretty much anywhere you are. If you're playing sports or planting seeds or pouring coffees or frying french fries or cleaning toilets or driving a dump truck or shoveling snow or shoveling shit or fixing brakes or stocking shelves or riding horses or hanging posters or filling envelopes or trudging to school or driving to work or waiting in line or shopping for groceries or whatever the heck it is you find yourself doing at any point in time any day any time that there's room for a hard talk with you and your brain about all of the times you have been victimized and that you get it and can handle it and don't give me any f'ing pain!!!

    You don't need a special quiet location to talk to your brain about all of the shitty hands you've been dealt and keep getting dealt. If there is another person standing two feet from your face who you can't stand and you aren't listening to a word they're saying anyways, this is an especially good time to talk to your brain. Especially in regards to that person, it is highly beneficial to talk to your brain about how that person 'DRIVES YOU CRAZY!!!!!!' and you don't need nausea, headaches, or body pain just to distract you from this reality.

    WHAT IS HARD WORK? Hard work comes in many forms. Hard work is digging holes in hard ground in the hot sun or frozen soil. Hard work is working on top of a stinking hot roof with smelly asphalt and tar in the heat. Hard work is keeping the dishes washed and food on the table. Hard work is being busy getting yourself and everybody else to appointments and meetings. Hard work is staying sane.

    Hard work is waking up every day at the same time every week after week and month after month and year after year trudging off to school or work in the rain or snow or ice or headaches or sickness or suffering.

    We all get it- hard work is all of the stuff that we HAVE TO DO simply to make sure that we can be fed and sheltered and safe and warm, at any cost. This is the hardest of work. Hard work is doing what is expected of us. As in going to school and jobs, being good and not speaking out and asking too much and putting aside our needs and desires. We do this out of fear and the need to please and to look good for everybody else.

    This is of course why we repress so much rage. This is why we swallow down and bury down our rage- because we really are TOTALLY ENRAGED 100% that we have to cow tow to others our whole lives to either look good, not get punished, and keep our bellies full and dwellings warm. We bury down our rage, not even consciously (we have all trained ourselves well to avoid punishments)- it just works easily.

    We bury the rage, it festers, we get blasted with violent symptoms to distract us from the festering rage, and there you go. Seems totally messed up and faulty- HOW THE HECK HAS THIS HAPPENED? It is clearly one of the faultiest glitches going for us humans because, truly:

    The World is truly an amazing and incredible place to be alive in. We are totally blessed to be here- we are alive and not dead, like all of those who have come before us and have, well, died.

    Despite this, even though we can all get it that the world is groovy doovy (and it IS groovy doovy and beautiful, with the sky and the sun and stars and moon and plants and trees and animals and all of the people we love and like and great books and movies and sports and dancing and wonderful foods and games and singing and music making and mental gymnastics and so much more: LIFE SUCKS WHEN YOU FEEL LIKE SHIT.

    There's no getting around it.

    Fortunately for so many of us, John Sarno's methods make sense and totally work and HOORAY!!!!

    It does take work that might not be your favourite kind of work. Oh well. Tough Shit.

    Hopefully Sarno's methods work for you as they work for so many people.
    JanAtheCPA likes this.
  2. CaptivaLady

    CaptivaLady Peer Supporter

    Exactly how hard did you drop the mic after this?

    lucieG likes this.

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