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TMS and link to vitamin def

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Pingman, Dec 17, 2013.

  1. Pingman

    Pingman Well known member

    I have read where anxiety can be related to a drop in a person magnesium and B-vitamins after prolonged amounts of stress. I was wondering if anyone has explored that with the TMS link of pain and anxiety.
    Eric "Herbie" Watson likes this.
  2. Walt Oleksy (RIP 2021)

    Walt Oleksy (RIP 2021) Beloved Grand Eagle

    I'm not an expert on vitamins but believe anxiety and stress are at least cousins and probably are brothers.

    The latest news is multivitamins are a waste of our money but are promoted by the pharmaceutical companies as
    being good for our health. I will keep taking a daily multivitamin with magnesium and B vitamins just in case
    they help relieve anxiety and stress. Who knows for sure, and everyone is probably different. And vitamins
    may only be placebos, but that can help relieve anxiety and stress.

    Whatever causes anxiety and stress, we who believe in TMS try to practice techniques to bring relief...
    deep breathing, meditation, searching for repressed emotions.
    Eric "Herbie" Watson likes this.
  3. Walt Oleksy (RIP 2021)

    Walt Oleksy (RIP 2021) Beloved Grand Eagle

    Here's some info on magnesium.

    Magnesium, an abundant mineral in the body, is naturally present in many foods, added to other food products, available as a dietary supplement, and present in some medicines (such as antacids and laxatives). Magnesium is a cofactor in more than 300 enzyme systems that regulate diverse biochemical reactions in the body, including protein synthesis, muscle and nerve function, blood glucose control, and blood pressure regulation [1-3]. Magnesium is required for energy production, oxidative phosphorylation, and glycolysis. It contributes to the structural development of bone and is required for the synthesis of DNA, RNA, and the antioxidant glutathione. Magnesium also plays a role in the active transport of calcium and potassium ions across cell membranes, a process that is important to nerve impulse conduction, muscle contraction, and normal heart rhythm [3].

    An adult body contains approximately 25 g magnesium, with 50% to 60% present in the bones and most of the rest in soft tissues [4]. Less than 1% of total magnesium is in blood serum, and these levels are kept under tight control. Normal serum magnesium concentrations range between 0.75 and 0.95 millimoles (mmol)/L [1,5]. Hypomagnesemia is defined as a serum magnesium level less than 0.75 mmol/L [6]. Magnesium homeostasis is largely controlled by the kidney, which typically excretes about 120 mg magnesium into the urine each day [2]. Urinary excretion is reduced when magnesium status is low [1].

    Assessing magnesium status is difficult because most magnesium is inside cells or in bone [3]. The most commonly used and readily available method for assessing magnesium status is measurement of serum magnesium concentration, even though serum levels have little correlation with total body magnesium levels or concentrations in specific tissues [6]. Other methods for assessing magnesium status include measuring magnesium concentrations in erythrocytes, saliva, and urine; measuring ionized magnesium concentrations in blood, plasma, or serum; and conducting a magnesium-loading (or "tolerance") test. No single method is considered satisfactory [7]. Some experts [4] but not others [3] consider the tolerance test (in which urinary magnesium is measured after parenteral infusion of a dose of magnesium) to be the best method to assess magnesium status in adults. To comprehensively evaluate magnesium status, both laboratory tests and a clinical assessment might be required [6].

    Recommended Intakes
    Intake recommendations for magnesium and other nutrients are provided in the Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs) developed by the Food and Nutrition Board (FNB) at the Institute of Medicine of the National Academies (formerly National Academy of Sciences) [1]. DRI is the general term for a set of reference values used to plan and assess nutrient intakes of healthy people. These values, which vary by age and sex, include:

    • Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA): average daily level of intake sufficient to meet the nutrient requirements of nearly all (97%–98%) healthy individuals.
    • Adequate Intake (AI): established when evidence is insufficient to develop an RDA and is set at a level assumed to ensure nutritional adequacy.
    • Estimated Average Requirement (EAR): average daily level of intake estimated to meet the requirements of 50% of healthy individuals. It is usually used to assess the adequacy of nutrient intakes in population groups but not individuals.
    • Tolerable Upper Intake Level (UL): maximum daily intake unlikely to cause adverse health effects.
    Table 1 lists the current RDAs for magnesium [1]. For infants from birth to 12 months, the FNB established an AI for magnesium that is equivalent to the mean intake of magnesium in healthy, breastfed infants, with added solid foods for ages 7–12 months.

    Table 1: Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDAs) for Magnesium [1]
    Age Male Female Pregnancy Lactation
    Birth to 6 months30 mg*30 mg*
    7–12 months75 mg*75 mg*
    1–3 years80 mg80 mg
    4–8 years130 mg130 mg
    9–13 years240 mg240 mg
    14–18 years410 mg360 mg400 mg360 mg
    19–30 years400 mg310 mg350 mg310 mg
    31–50 years420 mg320 mg360 mg320 mg
    51+ years420 mg320 mg
    *Adequate Intake (AI)

    Sources of Magnesium

    Magnesium is widely distributed in plant and animal foods and in beverages. Green leafy vegetables, such as spinach, legumes, nuts, seeds, and whole grains, are good sources [1,3]. In general, foods containing dietary fiber provide magnesium. Magnesium is also added to some breakfast cereals and other fortified foods. Some types of food processing, such as refining grains in ways that remove the nutrient-rich germ and bran, lower magnesium content substantially [1]. Selected food sources of magnesium are listed in Table 2.

    Tap, mineral, and bottled waters can also be sources of magnesium, but the amount of magnesium in water varies by source and brand (ranging from 1 mg/L to more than 120 mg/L) [8].
    Eric "Herbie" Watson likes this.
  4. Walt Oleksy (RIP 2021)

    Walt Oleksy (RIP 2021) Beloved Grand Eagle

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    Information on the latest vitamin D news and research.
    Find out more information on deficiency, supplementation, sun exposure, and how vitamin D relates to your health.

    My doctor said I was deficient in Vitamin D so he said I should take it in pill form but also try to get 5 or 10 minutes of sunshine each day. Not easy in Chicago winters. The article below says a Vit. D deficiency can cause physical pain.

    Am I deficient in vitamin D?

    For a number of reasons, many people aren’t getting enough vitamin D to stay healthy. This is called vitamin D deficiency. You may not get enough vitamin D if:

    • You don’t get enough sunlight. Your body is usually able to get all the vitamin D it needs if you regularly expose enough bare skin to the sun. However, many people don’t get enough sunlight because they spend a lot of time inside and because they use sunscreen. It’s also difficult for some people to get enough vitamin D from the sun during the winter.
    • You don’t take supplements. It’s very difficult to get enough vitamin D from the foods you eat alone.
    • Your body needs more vitamin D than usual, for example if you’re obese or pregnant.
    Are certain people more likely to have vitamin D deficiency?
    There are some groups of people that are more likely to have vitamin D deficiency. The following people are more likely to be lacking in vitamin D:

    • People with darker skin. The darker your skin the more sun you need to get the same amount of vitamin D as a fair-skinned person. For this reason, if you’re Black, you’re much more likely to have vitamin D deficiency that someone who is White.
    • People who spend a lot of time indoors during the day. For example, if you’re housebound, work nights or are in hospital for a long time.
    • People who cover their skin all of the time. For example, if you wear sunscreen or if your skin is covered with clothes.
    • People that live in the North of the United States or Canada. This is because there are fewer hours of overhead sunlight the further away you are from the equator.
    • Older people have thinner skin than younger people and this may mean that they can’t produce as much vitamin D.
    • Infants that are breastfed and aren’t given a vitamin D supplement. If you’re feeding your baby on breast milk alone, and you don’t give your baby a vitamin D supplement or take a supplement yourself, your baby is more likely to be deficient in vitamin D.
    • Pregnant women.
    • People who are very overweight (obese).
    What are the symptoms of vitamin D deficiency?
    Some people may not have any symptoms of vitamin D deficiency and still be deficient.

    The symptoms of vitamin D deficiency are sometimes vague and can include tiredness and general aches and pains. Some people may not have any symptoms at all.

    If you have a severe vitamin D deficiency you may have pain in your bones and weakness, which may mean you have difficulty getting around. You may also have frequent infections. However, not everyone gets these symptoms.

    If you think you may have vitamin D deficiency, you should see your physician, or have a blood test to check your vitamin D levels.

    How do I know if I’m deficient in vitamin D?
    The way doctors measure if you’re deficient in vitamin D is by testing your 25(OH)D level, but most doctors just call this a vitamin D test. Getting this blood test is the only accurate way to know if you’re deficient or not. Please see our testing page for more information.

    Already tested and want to know what your results mean? See our page on test results.

    How can I get more vitamin D?
    There are two ways to get more vitamin D: by exposing your bare skin to the sun or by taking vitamin D supplements. See How to get the vitamin D my body needs for more information.
    Eric "Herbie" Watson likes this.
  5. mncjl123

    mncjl123 Peer Supporter

    I think vitamins are very good for us! We are all very micronutrient deficient. Foods no longer have the nutrition in them that they had over 100 years ago.

    Even with TMS, we can't expect our body and brain to run on McDonalds, pizza and diet coke. We need to take care of our bodies and brains by supplying it with good nutrition as well as exercise.

    I don't think throwing out vitamins or nutritious foods as a "home remedy" is what dr. sarno talks about. it is the appliances like braces, beds, surgeries etc... things that harm our healing. We need food. But, we don't need bad food.

    just my two cents.
    Boston Redsox likes this.

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