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TMS Drop-In Chat with BruceMC (and others) Saturday Dec. 7th Eastern (New York) Time

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by BruceMC, Dec 5, 2024.

  1. BruceMC

    BruceMC Beloved Grand Eagle

    Please join BruceMC as your host on the PPD/TMS Peer Network’s weekly free Peer Support Drop-in (text) chat room session this Saturday December 7th at 3 pm eastern (New York) time.

    Bruce has been active on the TMS Forum since 2012. His own TMS journey began just after the death of his mother in 2001 when he became incapacitated with chronic pain. He went through the usual round of PT and pain pills, until he discovered the works of the late Dr John E Sarno.

    Come text about your TMS, learn about how others are handling theirs, and get the knowledge and support directly from others on the chat. We ask that you Register, and sign in so you are identified as a member and do not come up as a "Guest" with no name. It is easier to communicate when you do this.

    For more information and the link to join this chat, go to http://www.tmswiki.org/forum/pages/chat/ (Drop-In Chat Room). If you have symptoms, see your doctor to rule out anything serious and get proper care. No information on this site should be considered medical advice.

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