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TMS physician

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Bealillie, Dec 29, 2024.

  1. Bealillie

    Bealillie New Member

    I am interested in seeing aTMS physician in person, but am in NYC area. The 2 doctors I found are Ira Rashbaum and Paul Gwondz. I was centering whether anyone has seen either of these or knows anything besides what I can read online? I feel that speaking virtually with providers who need to do exam is challenging. I believe some of my symptoms are not TMS and that perhaps non TMS symptons led to fear and avoidance of movement and gradually more symptoms in other area of body occurred . I now feel lost in how to proceed without a consultation and exam by physician or even PT in person. Thanks for any support or suggestions.
    BruceMC likes this.
  2. I recently saw Dr. Ira Rashbaum in NYC and was diagnosed with TMS. I was happy with his care and evaluation. An in-person exam is definitely necessary. I'm having trouble understanding if you're saying you are or aren't located near NYC. If you are, it's definitely worth an appointment with him.
  3. Bealillie

    Bealillie New Member

    I actually saw Dr Rashbaum,some years ago for a different issue than now, and did not get a clear answer as he was not certain referred me to another rehab Dr. I did see Dr Gwozdz in NJ,who was helpful.
  4. Bealillie

    Bealillie New Member

    But didn’t completely dispel my doubts unfortunately

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