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TMS vs Neuroplastic pain

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by dbohlke, Dec 27, 2024.

  1. dbohlke

    dbohlke Newcomer

    Differences between TMS and neuroplastic pain…?

    I had major major back pain, bed ridden in many ways. Last May I red sarnos books, and healed pretty dang fast. Was golfing and everything again for a few months.

    Then 4 months ago developed wrist and elbow pain that hasn’t left. Started reading the way out, and I know at least some of my pain is neuroplastic. And some low back pain has come back too in the midst of it.

    But I’m unsure how to approach it all. It feels TMS is more repressed emotion caused. And neuroplastic is more fear based/incorrect communication signals.

    Anyone else ever been maybe confused between the two or packed “confidence,” in knowing if it was more TMS or neuroplastic pain you were dealing with?

    There’s just differences to the “healing method,” they both recommend so it’s a bit confusing.

  2. feduccini

    feduccini Well known member

    I assume they're all neuroplastic, since when you get TMS knowledge and approaches, you are developping new sinapses in the brain and creating less sensitized paths. But I'm really curious for what our friends have to say.
    JanAtheCPA and Ellen like this.
  3. Cactusflower

    Cactusflower Beloved Grand Eagle

    Neuroplastic Pain is just another name for TMS, and I think it translates better into other languages than TMS does.
  4. Baseball65

    Baseball65 Beloved Grand Eagle

    Way too many people in the TMS Kitchen.

    There is Sarno...and commentary. It's like trying to sort out the Bible....Most of the New testament is commentary by someone who never met Jesus in person. I feel like TMS has become very similar.

    It's about Anger. Rage. But I'm not angry? Exactly!

    I am not at all poking fun at @dbohike .. I am making fun of all the nomenclature Queering the Pitch.
    It is very common for people to heal fast from just reading and knowing there is nothing wrong. But the source of rage wasn't suitably addressed....A good percentage of us have had this happen....go back to reading and getting more into your possible sources of rage.

    You don't need more info about your body or TMS..you need more info about you!
    Diana-M, JanAtheCPA, Ellen and 2 others like this.
  5. feduccini

    feduccini Well known member

    Wow! Ok, I need to go back to journaling.
    Diana-M, Ellen and Baseball65 like this.
  6. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    No difference at all. Neuroplastic pain is a more recent attempt to find terminology that appeals to, and is more understandable to, more people. That is all.

    Do the emotional work advocated in our Structured Educational Program, or by Howard Schubiner MD in his Unlearn Your Pain workbook, or by Nicole Sachs LCSW in her weekly podcasts, books, online programs and membership group. Or, avoid the emotional work by doing Alan Gordon's Pain Recovery Program, or by following Dan Buglio. Your choice.

    We see more substantial and long-term recoveries from the emotional work, which goes back to Sarno and his rediscovery and reinterpretation of Freudian theory without the problematic parts. And as Dr Sarno himself said, some people with traumatic histories will ultimately need skilled psychotherapy to get there.
  7. dbohlke

    dbohlke Newcomer

    I feel like the approaches to healing are different. Gordon doesn’t talk about rage much. Fear much more so. Sarno says to not pay attention to the physical, while Gordon says to pay attention to it through a lens of safety through somatic tracking, etc.

    Sarno also says it’s from oxygen deprivation, and Gordon doesn’t say that and just says it’s Mia communication that sensations are dangerous when they aren’t actually and mind just experiences them as painful.

    those r two noticeable differences I feel with some others. Thoughts on that??
  8. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    That's what I was trying to describe. Choose the emotional route, or choose the [xxphysicalxx edit:] neuroplastic route. In our experience the emotional route leads to better results. We can't make that choice for you. Either route requires time, commitment, and self honesty. There is no one answer, there is no one way to do this work, and everyone is uniquely different.

    BTW, continuing to ask questions is a distraction technique created by your TMS brain. Just do the work!
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2024
    Rinkey and dbohlke like this.
  9. dbohlke

    dbohlke Newcomer

    Oh that makes sense. Thanks for your guys thoughts they are helpful!
  10. feduccini

    feduccini Well known member

    In his podcast, Gordon brings audios from his sessions where he explores the rage route a lot. And Gordon says to pay attention to the symptoms during somatic tracking, but with the purpose of eliminating fear and making you less inclined to think about the pain later.

    Shubiner said in an interview the oxygen deprivation theory didn't get proved.
  11. Cactusflower

    Cactusflower Beloved Grand Eagle

    Sarno's books were written LONG ago, and he came up with the Oxygen idea sometime in the late 60's-70's...science has progressed since then, and it's prove the rest of his theories to be absolutely right on.
  12. Diana-M

    Diana-M Beloved Grand Eagle

    This is a really interesting point for me. I’m beginning to wonder if that’s all that’s needed. I’ve got childhood trauma. Three years of intense therapy. 7 years of Sarno study and TMS work. And somehow I think severe anxiety has woven its way in here too. I need to fix so many things. I don’t think it’s as simple as getting therapy to unlock the door. I think I’m going to have to change all my stressful personality traits and ways of thinking until my brain believes we are no longer in danger. And maybe there are some hidden anger sources I haven’t found yet. Hard to believe. But possible!

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