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Tom Morrison's Mobility Program

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by SleepyPigeon0608, May 16, 2024.

  1. SleepyPigeon0608

    SleepyPigeon0608 New Member

    Would it be a good idea to purchase Tom Morrison's program? I've seen a lot of ads for it and read positive comments, but I'm worried it won't work.
  2. Cactusflower

    Cactusflower Beloved Grand Eagle


    If you wanna get fit, it might work. That’s up to you.

    If you want to recover from TMS, then no. It won’t work because it has absolutely 0 to do with TMS.

    The free SEP program on this website can help you with your TMS. And it’s free.
  3. SleepyPigeon0608

    SleepyPigeon0608 New Member

    You're right. I've seen comments from people who had chronic issues and said that they got better with it, so I latched into that.
  4. Cactusflower

    Cactusflower Beloved Grand Eagle

    But are the comments from real people who have sustained long term recovery, or comments from “people” on social media to create sales?
    I will say that for a few years I was doing better with pilates. But it never solved the TMS and I have had constant recurring bouts, even though I was in awesome shape. Then I tried other programs: YouTube videos, traditional pt, trainers, programs.. and finally one of the people who ran a program heard of TMS and we discovered be both had it (her own programs helped her some.. but symptoms just kept moving around).
    Most people with TMS chase and chase until they get so tired out and so fed up with spending bucket loads of cash .. and some finally find out the answer is free, and it’s been inside themselves all along… the rest keep on chasing.
    JanAtheCPA and SleepyPigeon0608 like this.
  5. SleepyPigeon0608

    SleepyPigeon0608 New Member

    Wonder if it can be applied to my ears. Had fungal ear infection that was misdiagnosed by my GP twice and it took another Doctor to take a swab and then tell me (after taking two round of different antibiotics) that it was a fungal infection. It cleared up but my ears still feel flakey and dry, especially after I wear my headphones. I think I believe the headphones are the cause and I get a reaction when I wear them.
  6. Cactusflower

    Cactusflower Beloved Grand Eagle

    I think this is just a normal biological function. Just don’t worry about it. It’s not a big deal, doesn’t really affect your life.
  7. SleepyPigeon0608

    SleepyPigeon0608 New Member

    I suppose you're right. I just want my ears to be okay again and not worry about them.

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