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Tootache Facial pain

Discussion in 'Support Subforum' started by pudding flower, Nov 15, 2023.

  1. pudding flower

    pudding flower New Member

    Hello, my dears

    I have been suffering from facial pain and also toothache for a year.
    I went to the dentist and neurologist very often, but nothing was found. They say it's atypical facial pain. I still can't believe it. I still think I have a physical problem, such as trigeminal neuralgia.
    When my pain started, I googled a lot because I wanted to know what I had, but it made everything worse. I became more and more afraid of having this neuralgia. At night I have no pain, or hardly any, but as soon as I wake up it starts after a short time. My teeth also often hurt when I eat, or when it's hot or cold, or just like that, it's like nerve pain, but my teeth don't have a problem. TMS can’t do that? I'm a very anxious person, I've been suffering from an anxiety disorder for a long time, including hypochondria, I've had a lot of physical symptoms, but they disappeared again, but this one didn't. IM very desperate
  2. pudding flower

    pudding flower New Member

    oh yes, I come from Germany and my English is very bad. I'm sorry.
    What I forgot to mention is that I had these symptoms once a year ago, but not as bad or as pronounced as this time. They kept coming back. I had a bad time when my symptoms came back, which was 9 months after my dad died. I also live in an unhappy, stressful relationship and I can see a connection. could this all be TMS?
    Before my facial pain and toothache, I often had heart palpitations, leg pain, tingling in the legs and arms and also on the scalp, a globus feeling, forced throat pain, pain in the neck area, a feeling of pressure on the nose, but it always went away and at some point the next symptom came.
  3. Cactusflower

    Cactusflower Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hello @pudding flower
    This sounds exactly like tms.
    I occasionally have tooth pain as one of my symptoms.
    Dr Sarno’s book is published in German. It is about back pain but when you read it, substitute “tooth and face” pain.
    Pay attention to how he says this is a psychological issue, and that unfelt anger (or other emotions) are the root cause. The pain takes your mind away from the emotions, instead of letting you feel them in your body.
    JanAtheCPA and pudding flower like this.
  4. pudding flower

    pudding flower New Member

    Thank you so much for your answer.
    I read Alan Gordon's book and that's how I came across TMS. But I still can't really believe that this is it. I always think I need to do more tests to see if there is something wrong with my trigeminal nerve, if there is compression. But many people probably have that and don't have any pain.
  5. JaneSandyJane

    JaneSandyJane Peer Supporter

    could this be migraine? trigeminal neuralgia's very specific and feels like an ice pick stabbing pain (my cousin's husband has it after jaw surgery)
    pudding flower likes this.
  6. pudding flower

    pudding flower New Member

    I don't have migraines, but there was a time when I had headaches very often. Suddenly it was gone again. Many say that the trigeminal nerve can also cause toothache. I don't know
  7. JaneSandyJane

    JaneSandyJane Peer Supporter

    all headaches are migraine... (except if caused by a tumor). I am now completely migraine free after a very long life of suffering.
    pudding flower likes this.
  8. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    Dear @pudding flower, on the issue of belief, see these two recent threads:

    https://www.tmswiki.org/forum/threads/i-need-advice-to-get-over-the-fear-of-pain-itself.27577/#post-142986 (I need advice to get over the fear of pain itself)

    https://www.tmswiki.org/forum/threads/chronic-rectal-pain-from-painless-spasm.27609/ (Chronic rectal pain from painless spasm)

    Also this post from someone who has quickly gone from disbelief to belief that YES, this is all TMS:
    https://www.tmswiki.org/forum/threads/fascial-restrictions.27601/ (Fascial restrictions)

    Because in fact, trigeminal neuralgia is known to be caused by the fear mechanism of TMS.

    The other book which you must read, and which I'm sure is in german, is by Claire weeks, titled Hope and Help for Your Nerves.
    pudding flower likes this.
  9. pudding flower

    pudding flower New Member

    Thank you for your very informative post. Thanks.
    I just can't understand how my brain makes my teeth hurt for example when I eat, or sometimes when it's hot and cold, which of course makes me think there's something wrong with the teeth or the trigeminal nerve. Especially with trigeminal neuralgia, it is often the case that the pain comes and goes and is always different? Or that sometimes you have pain breaks lasting weeks or months. I'm still wondering if I have compression, I don't know. Just had a normal head MRI.
  10. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    Classic signs of the TMS brain mechanism creating the symptoms. Read the posts, take the advice, do the SEP. Just do it.

    Open your mind to a different possibility and belief will come. But if you allow your brain to keep you in fear, and that is where you will remain.
  11. Cactusflower

    Cactusflower Beloved Grand Eagle

    I have had tooth pain for years. Sometimes it is hot and cold which lasts only seconds - my dentist says this is real pain (temperature along exposed tooth as gums receed). We know this is "real" because my dentist applies a natural substance to the area at the top of my teeth along the gum line and I have no more sensations for 4-6 months. This never changes. Every time he applies it goes away. I have had MANY other tooth pains. The dentist checks well and almost always after checking the pain goes completely away. This has gone on for years! It is never constant. Just all of a sudden I get some pain for a few days or a few weeks and then it is gone.
    After years of checking we know it is TMS.
    The dentist now uses TMS resources for his clients and has taken some courses on phantom tooth pain and TMJ and other dental phenomenon being 100% stress related.
    ViviSchl and JanAtheCPA like this.
  12. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    I can corroborate @Cactusflower'experiences completely. My dentist was pretty thrilled back in 2011/12 when I reported my new-found belief in brain-based symptoms because he'd seen so much evidence of it his entire career. And yes, there are things they can do for the inevitable sensitivities that come with the process of aging, but many other dental sensations are just TMS. I've got one sensation that's very subtle, mostly not noticeable except when flossing, and which has been around for several years, ever since a root canal. It was looked at more than once by my old (retired) dentist, by the endodontist who did the root canal, and quite recently by my new dentist. And it's just one of those mysteries.
  13. pudding flower

    pudding flower New Member

    It's very difficult for me because as soon as the pain comes I feel scared and panicked and I can't stop it. I don't know what to do about it. My pain is always different, it feels like it's getting more and more. So I always notice stabbing, pulling nerve pain in several teeth. And also dull, deep pain in my face, that just scares me. This pain every day for a year.
  14. pudding flower

    pudding flower New Member

    At first I thought it was sensitive tooth necks that caused me pain when I eat or drink, but that's not it. I can't believe my brain can give me these symptoms even when I eat or drink something hot.

    Could an unhappy relationship have also caused me to have these symptoms? That's actually the only thing that's really bothering me at the moment, although I think that I've had symptoms for many years where nothing was diagnosed by a doctor, and my relationship wasn't that unhappy back then. Or I suppressed it, I don't know
  15. Kozas

    Kozas Well known member

    I have exactly the same thing, it's one of my two main symptoms. It started in 2011.
    I propably have sensitive teeth to, they hurt when I eat something cold, but sensitive teeth shouldn't hurt ALL the time. Also, they should get at least a little bit better with treatment. Trigeminal neuralgia is a whole different thing, I believe that "true" trigeminal neuralgia is NOT TMS, but on the other hand it's propably misdiagnosed, and ~90% with "trigeminal neuralgia" have in fact TMS. I've also been checked by many dentists, neurologists, etc and they found nothing pretty much. What's funny is that by pressing trigger points on my face(either doing that by myself or by chiropractor) it's lessens my pain somewhat. Try it yourself. I believe that in my case(maybe yours too?) it's not really teeth themselves but tense muscles and oversensitive nervous system. So, pretty much 100% TMS. I'm doing some progress applying dr Moskovitz approach and I can see how my pain jumps around.
  16. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    Okay, @pudding flower - it's time for what we call "tough love". (I don't know if Europeans use that term, or how it will translate!)

    YES - obviously! I have to wonder, how could Alan Gordon not answer this question in his book? That's why this forum ALWAYS recommends that the first book to read is one by Dr. John Sarno MD. His books might not be up-to-date with current neuroscience, but he will definitely answer this question. You must read him before you try asking it again. Read either The MindBody Prescription OR The Divided Mind - one of them is enough.

    Your anxiety level is what we call "off the charts" which means that you also really need to read Claire Weekes, Hope & Help For YOur Nerves, in order to get control over your anxiety.

    None of these books takes long to read. You can even read them together - a chapter or two each day, as you practice calming down. I know this feels urgent to you, but you have been told by medical professionals that it is NOT urgent. So you need to STOP and BREATHE and CALM DOWN so that you can start to learn something new. This isn't possible in your current state.

    Proof of your anxiety level is here: look at how many times you have repeated yourself! This is the same question and the same objection using slightly different words each time. Your fearful brain has you convinced that if you just keep asking the same question and change the words each time that eventually you will receive some kind of magic answer that will miraculously cure you. I get it - this is what your fearful TMS brain is designed to do. You have to understand this, and once you understand it, you then have to take control so that you stop being fooled:
    You CAN believe, and you CAN recover, but you have to do the work yourself. We can't do it for you. Stop asking, and start doing. The answers you need have already been given above. Just do it. Also, consider not saying "can't" ever again, because that word alone will hold you back.
    pudding flower likes this.
  17. pudding flower

    pudding flower New Member

    Thank you for this detailed and honest answer.
    I will read the books, and how does the program work exactly? Unfortunately, I haven't really understood that yet. Is this also in the book by Dr. John Sarno explains how I should proceed? He probably only has the German book about back pain, but that doesn't matter?
  18. pudding flower

    pudding flower New Member

    I know I'm still too scared, I hope I can manage it. At the moment it is difficult to get out of this spiral. I just always think too much that I have a physical problem, but I'm slowly seeming to understand it. Unfortunately, I also suffer from this hypochondria, which doesn't make it any easier for me.
    But thank you very much for your effort and detailed explanations, I read it again and again.
  19. pudding flower

    pudding flower New Member

    Oh, unfortunately my English is very bad, so only German books would be good for me to read. But this one doesn't exist by Claire Weeks as far as I've seen.
  20. Cactusflower

    Cactusflower Beloved Grand Eagle

    @pudding flower
    Dr Weekes books did come in German at one point. The titles may not translate exactly. Look for it at the library or used book stores or thrift stores.
    Alan Gordon’s book talks about dealing with the fear of your current symptoms. It talks only a little bit about psychology around your symptoms.
    Dr. Sarno also discusses some psychological issues, but sent most of his patients with these difficulties to trained psychologists. He was just a medical Doctor.
    Consider this difficult relationship you are in and how you may be treated. Do you treat yourself in a similar way? Does part of you believe what is said or done, that is not kind to you? Have other events in your past also made you believe things about yourself like how you “can’t” do things. Something has stolen your power. It has gotten in your mind and made you believe that for you, things are not possible.
    @JanAtheCPA is right. It is all possible!

    The link below is for a type of psychology called EMDR - it can help but you must also follow Alan Gordon’s program. The psychologist will most likely not understand tms, but they understand a mind/body connection. Alan’s whole book is the program. It is not lessons like in school: do this and you will get the fix.. it is methods to try over and over, do them for weeks or months or longer and see which methods work best for you. By beginning to follow Alan’s suggestions you also slowly begin to take back your power and take control of your mind and thoughts. He teaches you to slow down and examine what is truth from what is a thought. Thoughts are not true. This can be hard to realize. What other people say and think about you may not be true. What we think about ourselves if often what we have heard or perceive others think about us and again, is often not true.
    Truth: dentists say your tooth is fine.
    Truth: you are not mentally ok: you have anxiety and are in a hard relationship.
    Conclusion: you are physically ok but mentally and emotionally you are having a very hard time.

    Take care puffing flower. This is difficult to accept, it can take time but so worth it to realize the truth about yourself!

    https://emdr-europe.org/ (EMDR European Association – EMDR Europe is the official professional association of National EMDR Associations)
    pudding flower and JanAtheCPA like this.

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