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Day 24 Tricky brain

Discussion in 'Structured Educational Program' started by fmisiaczek, Nov 14, 2023.

  1. fmisiaczek

    fmisiaczek New Member

    Hey everyone just an update,

    The things I am currently doing:
    - Reading 30 pages of mindbody perscription every day.
    - John Sarnos 12 daily reminders
    - Quit physiotherapy completely
    - Going through the sep program at a comfortable pace

    After quitting physio one month ago my pain has gotten worse. I believe more in the diagnosis however. When I feel pain I try to think about my current stresses. No improvement so far. Regardless of no improvement I am not letting this put me in a bad mood. I tell myself that I will heal eventually and that everyone's journey is different. There is also no point of comparing myself to others as that would just delay my recovery. The brain is tricky. Next Thing I would like to try is meditation. I also have pain moving around which is a sign of TMS.
    JanAtheCPA likes this.

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