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Trigeminal neuralgia tms healing

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Matt94, Jul 12, 2024.

  1. Matt94

    Matt94 New Member

    Hi, I'm glad I found this forum.

    I have TN and it is TMS. I read the book healing back pain- john sarno two times and I can't say it did anything for meg. I'm now reading the way out- alan gordon and the somatic tracking thing worked like a wonder the first week. It actually did today too unntill I started doing it obsessively like for hours. I understand now that I created tension by doin it that way and that I'm only supposed to do it like 5-10 minutes a few times a day. So still learning. I also got anervous system that is way out of balance. I think my TMS pain will get way better once my nervous system is balanced and not kicking of fight or flughts.. as I know by experience that makes it way worse

    So what else is the recipe here? I read Plums story and I wanna try TOTAL acceptance of every emotion that comes up, really feeling it without running and yin yoga and EFT tapping as she said. Anything else? any other book I should read? I heard The great pain deception, the divided mind, the pain habit and healing your pain is great books.
  2. Cactusflower

    Cactusflower Beloved Grand Eagle

    I answered part of this in another post you made.
    There is no "RECIPE" no exact formula but there is a precise approach which is outlined in Healing Back Pain and Alan Gordon's book. Somatic Tracking is a tool used to help reduce some of the fear surrounding symptoms. It is not the "answer" and it is not a quick fix. Healing chronic pain can take time.
    It takes patience and kindness for yourself.
    I think it's great that you are beginning to understand the science behind chronic pain.
    Now you need to learn what exactly drives your particular nervous system to react the way it does and to kick into high gear. This is where the curiosity and "thinking psychologically" (#1 lesson Dr. Sarno teaches us) comes into play.

    Did you resonate with anything you read in Sarno's book? Any of his discussion of personality types, of how your emotional life and anxiety might play into your symptoms?
  3. Matt94

    Matt94 New Member

    I see. I was under the impression that somatic tracking was healing? That's definately how he talks about it in the book. Yes, I absolutely resonate with a ton of what sarno talks about in healing back pain. And I do journaling now. It's because of these two books that I really know I have tms. But trying Sarno's approaches haven't helped any. The only thing helping right now is the somatic tracking, which I really thought would be the solution as it made my pain completely dissappear every day till now when I overdid it. Regarding the nervous system issue, I got it when I did wim hof brathwork. Some do get that effect of a healing crisis. I got trauma thrown into my face the first months after that, it's been 4 months now and I'm doing way better cause the fight or flights was lasting 10hours when they happened, now it's only minutes. but the f-o-f sure doesn't help my tms pain :p to put it mildly
  4. Cactusflower

    Cactusflower Beloved Grand Eagle

    Your IMPRESSION is that you need to be given exercises and a step by step method in which to heal (yeah, we all do to start out with) and you read into the book that Alan Gordon says somatic tracking is what heals you. He actually never says this at all, he says it is just a way to begin dealing with the fear and the inner self-talk that can scare the sh*t out of us.
    But now you know that thoughts aren't real. They are just thoughts.
    That was mind blowing to me. I believed all that mental diarrhea!
    Low and behold, if thoughts about my pain weren't necessarily true, then perhaps many of my thoughts (like the ones I had about myself) where not true. See, that's exactly where what Sarno says about personality types fits in.
    It is fantastic you are journaling!
    Of course Sarno's approaches might not be helping at the moment. You need to keep at them, repeat them. Your brain needs to believe this new information and for some it happens so quickly, others it takes quite some time. You will still see some major improvements in your life along the way (to learn more about how to gauge your success, see this fantastic thread: https://www.tmswiki.org/forum/threads/tms-healing-inventory-how-to-measure-your-progress-without-using-pain-as-an-indicator.28432/#post-148779 (TMS healing inventory: How to measure your progress without using pain as an indicator))
    Right now you are in utter panic. I can see how you are trying to message, post like crazy and find "answers".
    This is a form of what is often termed as "fixing" in TMS.
    You want to find someone who has the answers to fix this.
    The truth is, and it sounds totally silly, that the answer is in YOU. Nobody else can do this for you.
    I suggest you stop panic posting. It is absolutely sending fear messages to your brain and keeping your nervous system on high alert.
    What do you enjoy doing? Going for a walk? Sitting in the sun? Reading a good book? Listening to music?
    Do it.
    Just go do your best to chill out for awhile. You need a break from all of this stuff, to digest all this new information.
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2024
    Diana-M, JanAtheCPA and Matt94 like this.
  5. Matt94

    Matt94 New Member

    <3 appreciate it
  6. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    I am 100% in agreement with everything that @Cactusflower has said.

    If you will take a break from the pressure to practice self-compassion, as she recommends, you could use the time to read Hope and Help for Your Nerves by Claire Weekes. It is a short book that does not require you to do anything other than relax and absorb what she has to say. It was written many years ago, which makes the language a little bit quaint and a little bit old fashioned. For those reasons it might seem deceptively simple, but don't be fooled! The power of Dr Weekes' message lies in its simplicity, combined with her infinite compassion and understanding. After Dr Sarno, this is the second book that saved me.

    Good luck!
    Matt94 likes this.
  7. Matt94

    Matt94 New Member

    Thanks. I just ordered the book. It will be here by the end next week

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