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Day 27 Updates allergens

Discussion in 'Structured Educational Program' started by PhillipAndr, May 20, 2024.

  1. PhillipAndr

    PhillipAndr Peer Supporter

    So, not sure if it was my mind trying to fight back, but I found mould in my bedroom and a bunch of dust. I realised that I may have been having intense allergic reactions and pain in my throat due to this. I've spent the last whole week cleaning up, perhaps excessively, and I felt back into unconstructive fear cycles. I stopped doing this program for a week as my life became complete chaos. I had to throw away so many things. I've been obsessing lately with allergens and mould, to the point that it's not really helping but doing the opposite. I started wondering if all these reactions are related to TMS.

    Today, I finally managed to carve out time to come back to the program to find out that the topic of day 27 is about the relationship between TMS and allergens. I laughed when I saw this, it was almost like a god sent. I feel so much calmer now that I've read this, I'll still work on minimizing dust and mould but can now clearly see how my excessive reactions could have been just my mind protecting myself from feeling deep emotions. I feel calmer now. More grounded. Still, clearly quite a bit of work to do, but I am determined to keep moving forward :).
    JanAtheCPA likes this.

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