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Discussion in 'Support Subforum' started by AWE, Feb 22, 2025 at 8:16 PM.


How do I convince my mind that UTI's are a mind body syndrome and get rid of them

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  1. AWE

    AWE Newcomer

    One of my greatest fears is getting a UTI because antibiotics are always needed. Through Dr. Sarno's books I healed my back pain and carpal tunnel. But that seemed logical to me. I believed it and it worked. But a UTI is different because it always requires antibiotics which after a while don't work. Has anyone found TMS to work for uti's? I was even positive this last year that I wouldn't get one, but no, it's here again. I am so frustrated.
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2025 at 9:25 PM
  2. Cactusflower

    Cactusflower Beloved Grand Eagle

    In cases of symptoms like this, it is important to get diagnosed and treat real illness or, have peace of mind that it’s only TMS when they can’t find anything wrong.
    The mind can create any symptom. Stress can create symptoms and illness. It’s important to treat the illness and also use your TMS skills to not freak out and catastrophize.
    AWE likes this.
  3. AWE

    AWE Newcomer

    Thank you for replying CatusFlower! Yes, I am treating now with antibiotics, but I can't help feeling discouraged when I know the immune system can be changed due to stress, etc. , and TMS has worked for me on various other issues.

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