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vanishing knee pain

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Jettie1989, Jan 1, 2025 at 1:32 PM.

  1. Jettie1989

    Jettie1989 Peer Supporter

    hey all!

    I love reading success stories, so here's a quick one of mine.

    I used to be very quick to injure myself working out, to the point that I could almost never work-out.
    Once I discovered TMS I overcame this very quickly because it was mmma brain.

    Yesterday I was jumping rope - I'm practicing jumping on one foot - when I suddenly felt some dull pain in my knee. I stopped, but then the pain got really sharp. I kind of freaked out at first, but after a quick assessment of what happened, I could really not see how the pain could go from dull to sharp without me doing anything with it.
    It was dull, then I stopped doing anything and after that it got stabbing. It was very illogical.
    So once I figured that out, I started doing some things with it that hurt. bending it and putting pressure on it hurt very much. But then I realised the pain had moved location! After that I did a spinning workout, putting full force on it, because it really couldn't convince me anymore. Once I got of the bike the pain was gone.

    I am still so thankful that I am one of the lucky ones that has discovered TMS. When one of these things happens I'm always baffled by what my brain can cook up, how real the symptoms seem and how quickly they disappear. Five years ago this knee thing would have stopped my in my tracks and would have me down and depressed because of my broken body. Now I know it's just my very creative brain that apparently really hates exercise.
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2025 at 5:06 AM
    JanAtheCPA and Diana-M like this.
  2. Diana-M

    Diana-M Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hi @Jettie1989
    Great little success story! Your TMS showed its hand to you. It gave itself away. And you noticed the truth of it and spared yourself some real pain and stress. Congrats to you!!!! Great sign you’re on your way!
    Jettie1989 likes this.
  3. Baseball65

    Baseball65 Beloved Grand Eagle

    Yep, Yep, Yep....that is exactly what I try to do with every new 'doesn't make any sense' or 'FU I don't believe you' pain. Shoulder spasm? Drop and do push-ups. Knee or Hip? Go running or do jumping jacks, Mystery tooth pain? Chew a Big 'ol wad of gum......all the while chanting:

    "Nope, Nope...BS, nope...I am angry or upset about something and I just haven't figured it out...nope, nope, nope, don't believe ya"..and then turning my brain to investigation mode about what I missed..and I still miss stuff all the time.

    Remember Sarno said he didn't treat pain? Todays work stops tomorrow's TMS. If you 'meet it at the door' the odds of winning go up astronomically. Generally when I am primed for 'the show' I have fallen asleep emotionally and become the guy I pretend to be, not the one I am. The Nice guy, The Good Dad, The awesome worker, the concerned citizen.
    I also always get to the scribble pad ASAP when this happens. I can't usually figure this out while I am doing stuff because the 'ACTOR' is often still commanding the ship. But alone at my desk, reading Sarno to job my Brain loose, the pad fills up very quickly.
    Diana-M and HealingMe like this.
  4. Jettie1989

    Jettie1989 Peer Supporter

    Hehe yeah the Steve O approach works wonders for my pain symptoms. It feels like it’s incredibly bad advise, I’d never tell someone to do this because it can backfire, but for me, when I feel pain that somehow came out of nowhere, I just start moving extremely carelessly with it. Works all the time. (I’m always fairly convinced it’s tms, so I think that’s why it works)
  5. HealingMe

    HealingMe Well known member

    I love your mindset, Marco, this is how I applied it to some recent shoulder/collarbone pain I had the other day. I was stretching, heard a click in my shoulder, and immediately my brain tried to latch onto it with pain. I laughed, said yeah right I know what you're doing, started moving it back and forth to keep it clicking, investigated what I was thinking about in the moment to the best of my ability, and then just focused back on whatever I was doing, watching a movie. Nobody got time for this. Symptoms went away.
    Baseball65, Diana-M and Jettie1989 like this.
  6. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

  7. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    Diana-M likes this.

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