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Vulvodynia and irritation and sensitivity

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Kaela, Aug 27, 2024.

  1. Kaela

    Kaela Newcomer

    Hello, I have been reading threads, and decided to join and post.

    I have a history of tight pelvic floor when I get in high stress situations for long periods of time.
    But in March I went to get a PAP, and a couple days after I started feeling irritation that could feel itchy on my vulva. I though it was yeast so treated, upped my probiotics. Finally went in and got tested and was negative. Have been referred to PFT.
    My discharge can trigger it, which is why I was thinking for months it was an infection, but it is my skin. I have done many things to my vulva treating it thinking an infection. But it has been about 2.5 months since I stopped doing anything topical. It can look a little pinker than usual, but I never looked down there up until all this started. So I have been trying not to look again, as reading on here that could be triggering. I also have stopped going on reddit. I did this for a good 4/5 months, and it didn't help my stress and even trigger more flares.

    I am so hyperaware of myself down there these days. I have been trying to ignore and focus on other things and live my life. I have 2 children and I need to focus on them instead of hyper focusing on this (I do have a tendency to hyper focus).

    Sidenote: I have had a lot of fear with pelvic exams as after y daughter I have had pelivic floor issues that no one could help with, until I figured it out myself (all stress induced). but when I went into the ob to get looks at I got utility symptoms after, then got the same after the PFT (this was 2 years ago). but these symptoms lasted 2-3 months as I would stress and focus. This Recent pelvic exam I was a bit stressed about, but also has genital warts I wanted to get taken care of. I didn't get them taken care of that day, and I know that left me with a negative feeling or mindset of my vulva. I had one cut out and went through that during this period of Vulvodynia. During the healing process I had to look down there multiple times a day. not sure if this relates or not. but thought I would mention it.

    Reaching out for any advance and support.
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2024
  2. HealingMe

    HealingMe Well known member

    Hi Kaela and welcome. This is a great community!

    Have you read any books by Dr. Sarno? I recommend reading one of his books. There's a lot of success stories related to vulvodynia; I also recommend reading some of those if you haven't yet.

    I think it's great that you stopped all topicals as it was communicating to your brain that it's physical. I have mixed feelings about PFT. It seems as if it's the new rage and everyone is doing it. I tried it for my pelvic pain, however, I was in the midst of the doing the work and ceased all physical treatment to better communicate to my brain that it was psychological. I experienced majority of my symptoms in my pelvis and it was all due to stress.

    Great job on stopping Reddit reading. I usually go on it for fun things like connecting with people about books I like, home decor, or funny pictures. However, at one point, I had to stop reading it completely because it was fueling the anxiety surrounding my symptoms. I noticed people can be so miserable on there and searching for a quick fix or feed off each other's negative energy in "support" groups. I also didn't want to label myself with anything.

    I, too, hyper focused on my pain symptoms which just made them stick around for much longer, so I understand where you're coming from. It's an obsession.

    When I joined the forum I did the Structured Educational Program. It's usually one of the first things recommended here and I think you should give it a go.
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2024
  3. Kaela

    Kaela Newcomer

    Thank you so much for all this info! I will start there.
  4. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    Great advice from @HealingMe for you, @Kaela, and welcome to the forum and the Structured Educational Program! This sure sounds like where you need to be.

    Dr Sarno's last two books are more about the many different symptoms he came to recognize as TMS, after initially focusing only on back pain. This page on our main TMSWiki.org tells you more about him and his books, which are easily available in all the formats and at many libraries as well new or used from the obvious retailers.

    I don't think you're wrong, @HealingMe! I also think if Dr Sarno were alive today he would point out how pelvic symptoms in all their many forms and affecting all genders, became the latest TMS "fad" at some point in the last decade, just as ulcers in the 70s gave way to back pain in the 80s, followed by RSI/carpal tunnel in the 90s, and IBS/CFS/fibro in the aughts. PVD may have been competing with long covid and post-vaccine anxiety syndromes since 2020 but it's still noticeably more prevalent than when I first came to this work in 2011.
    HealingMe likes this.

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