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Weight training & TMS

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Lucyoneill, Dec 27, 2023.

  1. Lucyoneill

    Lucyoneill New Member

    Hi everyone,

    I'm looking for advice on a recurrent issue that I have with my back/left hip. For a few years now I've had pain related issues (knee, back, hip) where I've never really known whether the cause was TMS or injury but do know that the pain became learnt/worse through fear.

    I managed to overcome each issue by letting go of the fear and over time the pain faded and went. The only exception is when I start lifting weights - particularly anything relating to a deadlift motion. I never get pain during a workout but often get hip/back issues the next day. These then continue for a few weeks - go away if I stop using weights and stay if I keep going.

    I've tried very slowly increasing the weight and this works until I have a setback and pain returns - then I have to stop again for weeks so never really get to a point of actually increasing strength.

    I've asked about what would be the best route forward on many forums and most people essentially say just don't lift weights but 1. I want to lift - why should I not be able to when everyone else can and 2. I do genuinely need to get stronger as I want to start a new career as a paramedic and strength is a requirement to get a job.

    I've been lifting now for 7 weeks problem free but my last session I introduced a deadlift movement and now have hip pain.

    It'll go away if I stop training but I don't want to stop. Does this seem like learnt pain from my brain associated with weights/specific movements? Do I just keep going and see what happens?

    I never get pain during the movement and I'm lifting light weights. I've had my form checked by many, many professionals - all of which agree my form is good. I'm very happy to keep going slowly with light weights and gradually increase them but once I get pain it's like I have to start all over again which is frustrating and also means I never get anywhere. Also, I must mention that over the years, the issues have changed. Initially it was piriformis pain from the weights, then it was back pain, then left groin pain and now left hip pain. Physio's think it's sciatic nerve related from tight muscles and lack of lumbar flexibility as I had a MRI and it was clear.

    Thanks in advance.
  2. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    Well, you've got the TMS knowledge and awareness and tools, and you've been cleared by all sorts of professionals, so I guess the only thing I can add is to ask this question: have you ever done any emotional work beyond learning to let go of fear? There are a lot of free or low cost ways to get started, including our own structured educational program on the main wiki, Alan Gordon's pain recovery program on the forum, Nicole Sachs' entire web site full of resources including her podcast, and many others. It's time to go deeper, which is what most people find after initial success, which often doesn't last.

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