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What do we think of this fellow TMSers?

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Scott.Cameron, Sep 19, 2015.

  1. Scott.Cameron

    Scott.Cameron Peer Supporter


    So this to me is a great example of the dirty tricks played by medical corps/media to condition all us ordinary folks into believing holistic medicine it about a bunch of drug taking hippies and not to be taken seriously. If you read the article on this in the telegraph, ( UK mainstream) media, it pretty much suggests that these Medical DOCTORS have got together to try out new hallucinogens. PLEASE! are they for real!!

    And obviously the string or murders and disappearances of holistic practitioners on the east coast of America this year is not co-incidence!

    I imagine the truth is, these doctors have got together to discuss how to best promote these therapies!

    Anyway this sort of thing, to me, is strong evidence that "holistic medicine" (meaning whole, as in, treating the mind and body as one entity ) is REAL and shows the extreme threat that it brings to big pharma and the like. It also highlights a way in which they intimidate the medical community, while at the same time, conditioning unsuspecting public to associate the word holistic, with hippies! SHAMEFUL!
  2. Markus

    Markus Guest

    I'd have to read that article more thoroughly! I mentioned to my primary that I was treating my fibromyalgia/chronic pain as though it were a mind body condition! He didn't look constipated but admitted to me that Drs. Don't cure anything really.....surgeons maybe but primary Docs.....Nah! He also said every illness he sees has a mental component, that's not saying mind/body as we know it.
    IrishSceptic likes this.
  3. IrishSceptic

    IrishSceptic Podcast Visionary

    Big Pharma has brought benefits but they will jealously defend their interests and potential profits. I'm not sure they would go as far as murdering people but there is a precedent for large corps using terror tactics. In Colombia Coca Cola stand accused of smashing unions via hiring thugs to murder important figures.

    It is clear that Pharmaceuticals have a role but equally clear esp among TMSers that pain can't be relieved by medication alone.

    The battle is really within Academic institutions, and the sponsorship provided by Pharma is vital to ongoing research and padding out salaries.

    We have the internet now and very good Doctors out there who take the Hippocratic oath very seriously. I wouldn't get too alarmed by this if I'm honest. There are many quacks about but this will be used to smear the victims.

    There are many evil people in the world unfortunately.
    Scott.Cameron and Markus like this.
  4. Scott.Cameron

    Scott.Cameron Peer Supporter

    Glad to see you guys get it. My TMS awakening has really had an impact on my perception of these sort of stories and helps enforce my need to reprogram myself. I didn't start the thred to start a conspiracy conversation even if it should. Those topics can be depressing and bring anx to us but I would like to point out the positive side to this - that there are doctors and mind body experts getting together to try and change the existing treatment offered as standard.

    Most of all though I just wanted to highlight this sort of thing to help less aware members conquer thier fears of dismissing what they believed because they have been told it by mainstream medicine and also understand why these mind body treatments are not well publicised through mainstream media and medicine.
  5. Scott.Cameron

    Scott.Cameron Peer Supporter

    Glad to see you guys get it. My TMS awakening has really had an impact on my perception of these sort of stories and helps enforce my need to reprogram myself. I didn't start the thred to start a conspiracy conversation even if it should. Those topics can be depressing and bring anx to us but I would like to point out the positive side to this - that there are doctors and mind body experts getting together to try and change the existing treatment offered as standard.

    Most of all though I just wanted to highlight this sort of thing to help less aware members conquer thier fears of dismissing what they believed because they have been told it by mainstream medicine and also understand why these mind body treatments are not well publicised through mainstream media and medicine.
    IrishSceptic likes this.
  6. Tennis Tom

    Tennis Tom Beloved Grand Eagle

    Last edited: Sep 20, 2015
  7. Scott.Cameron

    Scott.Cameron Peer Supporter

    Interesting, the conspiracy website that de-bunks the conspiracy theories! Sorry but I'm still not sure what YOU Think it's about? you say it's rubbish.. so what do you think happend in Germany? Nothing?... Or are you saying that this group were really not real professionals and were taking drugs knowingly and gone wrong? In your link they debunk the murders using stats with numbers, including the whole population? How many doctors die every year? And How many of them are stabbed or disappear each year? And how many of them live on the east coast? would surely be a better place to start? The editor uses a link to his book on Amazon which appears to be a book stating were all paranoid? They advertise game of war? Well it's tough for anyone to make a decision on this stuff with so many opinions out there.

    I know what website I'm sticking with though, and that's the one that advertises Sarnos books and led me to this forum....Wake up World.
  8. Tennis Tom

    Tennis Tom Beloved Grand Eagle

    There's a saying, "It's best not to see how sausages and laws are being made", I'd add the news of conspiracy theories to that. In the end we believe the lies we want to believe, you can believe the web-sites that support your views and I'll believe the lies I want to believe. They are all just words on paper or on a TV screen. The web-site that got you here may be like a broken clock--it's right twice a day. I took a glance at it and they accept a lot of advertising, they're not in it solely out of the goodness of their heart.

    Complementary medicine is a huge business nowadays and the supplements aisles at Wagreens far out number the rx's. Doctors are even referring to chiroquacters and accus and some even have them in their offices. If you read the article I put up, it explains the death of docs falls with-in the average probabilities of statistical deaths for all people. Once again the case you site in Germany, maybe they were channeling Timothy Leary and Ken Kesey--or ate some bad oysters or tofu.

    I only truly believe what I see with my own eyes--and I half the time I don't trust my eyes either. The brain reverses everything the eyes see and then reverses it again--there's plenty of time during this process for things to become subjective and distorted. Thinking that there's a huge conspiracy out there to prevent us from getting "true" information on how to heal, reinforces that our symptoms are structural and not psychosomatic/TMS. As Pogo said, "We have met the enemy and he is us."
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2015
  9. Walt Oleksy (RIP 2021)

    Walt Oleksy (RIP 2021) Beloved Grand Eagle

    It may sound simplistic, and I may be wrong, but my experience is that most doctors only believe in prescribing pills or recommending surgery.
    Seldom does that end someone's pain, so they go back for more. It becomes a vicious and expensive cycle, not to mention painful. Thank heaven more young doctors are tuning into the theory of MindBody such as TMS.
    Scott.Cameron likes this.
  10. Scott.Cameron

    Scott.Cameron Peer Supporter

    Thank you Tom for your constructive reply, it's ironic you should use that saying "best not to see how sausages are made" No word of a lie, my father is the 4th generation butcher in the family bussiness, we have been manufacturing sausages for over 30 years!! So I will have to disagree with that particular saying as I am very glad I can tell the difference between a good sausage and a bad sausage purely by looking at it! And really, You think its best not to pay attention to how laws are made??! Next you will be telling me that sodium fluoride is good for our teeth and the twin towers were brought down by a few Iraqis!!

    I agree though that conspiracy theories can be a minefield and there is a fine line between between it being helpful or becoming a hindrance.
    However, I do believe you can't fix a problem without first understanding it's root cause, surely this is a theory that should be synonymous to TMSers!

    I've been following conspiracy theories for some time now and yes there is certainly a lot of rubbish out there but I find it hard to call some of them conspiracy THEORIES anymore when there is a HUGE AMOUNT OF EVIDENCE to support them.

    My advice is this, you have to take what you hear and see and make your OWN decisions, just like to beat TMS you need to make your own decision that this is your diagnosis. I don't think it works if your opinion is really somebody else's.

    I really didn't want to start an argument with this thread but I was genuinely interested to see what other TMS members personal perception of this particular article was. i guess most people find it all too scary to get involved in but I thank Irish for giving his.

    To me, discovering my TMS made a lot of conspiracys that I'd heard about, but thought didn't really affect me, or didn't understand, become very real. In a lot of ways what I've read about conspiracies helped me embrace and understand TMS. I'm sure I still have a lot to learn but I feel like a duck to water with it.
    Markus and IrishSceptic like this.
  11. Tennis Tom

    Tennis Tom Beloved Grand Eagle

    TMS is no conspiracy--there's just no money in it. It's just fundamental Freudian/Jungian, et al psychology. If Drs. Weil and Oz would flak it more they would be doing the same show over and over again and viewers would go back to the soaps.

    I thought some poverty stricken Saudi Arabian princes did 9/11--or did Bush do it like real conspiracy theorists say.

    The problem with medical conspiracies is that they say that the reason you're not healthy is because the medical/industrial complex is keeping you from buying the structural snake-oyls and treatments that you need--this is incompatible with TMS theory that says the healing takes place in the mind and all you need is a book or the internet for free.
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2015
  12. Scott.Cameron

    Scott.Cameron Peer Supporter

    I never said TMS is conspiracy. I truly believe it is the truth. The conspiracy is that children aren't educated about mental wellbeing and the mechanics of the mind body connection, and how everything we see hear and believe can affect our minds, bodies and lives.
  13. Tennis Tom

    Tennis Tom Beloved Grand Eagle

    Are you saying the kindergarden teachers are in on it or is it the teacher's unions?
  14. Scott.Cameron

    Scott.Cameron Peer Supporter

    Ha look Tom I think you have misconstrued what I am saying and this is getting silly! it will be hard for me to explain this to you if you have no belief that there are some evil greedy corporations and families at work, paying their way to support "scientific" Studies that WILL NEVER prove TMS or other alternative treatments work. If you are not open to accepting that this could be happening you will never see the truth. Just as with TMS.
    JanAtheCPA likes this.
  15. Scott.Cameron

    Scott.Cameron Peer Supporter

    I would just like to point out that my starting this thread was because to me, this news is actually POSITIVE.

    It is only my opinion, and I am not trying to persuade anybody to take MY opinion, I would though, ask people to have their OWN opinion on this. Unfortunately we are all SCARED of making a controversial opinion on these news stories because we have been CONDITIONED that this goes against the grain so would go against our goodist tendencies. I'm guessing some of you do not see the link between media and government conditioning and the epidemic of TMS symptoms in western culture but it is pretty obvious to me! my observation of this is really helping me grasp TMS and combat it. I'm really just trying to help here.
    Markus likes this.
  16. Tennis Tom

    Tennis Tom Beloved Grand Eagle

    Please give us the names of three or more of these "evil greedy corporations and families".
  17. Tennis Tom

    Tennis Tom Beloved Grand Eagle

    Well being a reformed goodist, I'm not scared of giving my opinion, you are making some broad generalizations here.
  18. IndiMarshall

    IndiMarshall Well known member

    Chill guys armscrosseddenial
    riv44 and mike2014 like this.
  19. Forest

    Forest Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hi everyone. I think we all know that when a fight breaks out in a community emotions can get high and lasting damage can be done. This is why experienced community managers do not allow flame wars:

    I've deleted 9 posts in this thread that had degenerated into a flame war.

    I've spent 7 years building this site and I'm not going to allow flame wars on it. At a certain point, people's emotions and egos get involved and it clutters up the forum with low quality posts that generally end up being off topic. Everything ends up being about the flame war and the high quality discussions and compassionate support get buried.

    Drama of this sort has no place on this site. Smart people leave because they just want the discussions and to help other TMSers.

    Other people, known as trolls, may actually enjoy the conflicts, thinking that it is fun to provoke others into emotional reactions. For obvious reasons, most people hate trolls and want to get rid of them. Trolling is not welcome here, and trolls will be given warnings and sanctions will be imposed, up to both short term and long term bans.

    I've locked this thread and will leave it locked for a while longer to give people time to cool off.
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2015

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