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Day 20 What I would change in my life

Discussion in 'Structured Educational Program' started by PhillipAndr, May 6, 2024.

  1. PhillipAndr

    PhillipAndr Peer Supporter

    If you could change one thing about your life what would it be? What steps could you take to make this change?

    Fear management:
    I'm working on changing various things in my life at the moment. To begin with, thanks to the insights from this program, I'm being quite dedicated at observing my fear responses and diminishing useless and excessive reactions. Fear is important in our lives, but it can be also quite damaging. I've discovered that I've been overutilising fear to push myself in a state of safety - often in the wrong ways. I am changing that. I am learning that I can move into safety without having the need to over react or panic. It's a big minset change, but I'm determined to chan get this.

    Embracing Emotions: This one relates to the fear one. I am changing the way in which I accept the different emotions that show up in my life. Instead of trying to block them, or run away from them, I'm learning to use somatic awareness to welcome them without fear. I am learning as well to stop reacting in unconstructive ways to them - eg. I can feel sad, I can cry, but I can also try my best to not let those emotions to impact my outlook on life, my future or how I relate with others. I can feel and at the same time stay grounded and assertive. Work in progress.

    Being present:
    I am learning to embrace more the here and now - instead of worrying about the past or overthink about the future. As someone who has work as a strategy consultant all his life, this is a massive mindset shift, but one that I think now is required. I am working diligently to give up my expectations about a particular type of future and use my energy to learn how to be incredibly present while listening to my emotions and my surroundings.

    My relationship with myself: I've been doing quite a bit of work to learn how to treat myself better. Stop putting too much pressure on myself or trying to get everything in perfect form. I'm learning to have more fun, and be a bit lighter. I've been using 'Internal Family Systems' to explore this which has been incredibly useful! I am working on ensuring I have a well-nourished internal communication system with myself.

    Better connection with God/Nature/Spirit/Self (you choose):
    I'm coming to terms with the idea that there is a strong energy that goes beyond what my intellect can grasp. I've been tapping into this energy during my daily meditation and have been able to feel it's cleansing power and support. I literally get goosebumps whenever I tap into it (I'm having goosebumps now). I feel like I am opening a channel of communication to this energy and want to keep it up. I think this will be essential to achieve the four other areas listed above.
    Baseball65 likes this.

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