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widespread tension/stiffness

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by KEANU4141, Dec 24, 2023.

  1. KEANU4141

    KEANU4141 New Member

    Is widespread muscle tension/stiffness, some aching, and other stuff causing a lot of pain and discomfort considered fibromyalgia ( I know fibromyalgia is just TMS but im just using the term because its well known)
  2. TG957

    TG957 Beloved Grand Eagle

    TMS can be any of the symptoms you described. It does not have to match a particular set of symptoms known as fibromyalgia. I had muscle tension, stiffness and pain in various places, and it all was TMS.
  3. KEANU4141

    KEANU4141 New Member

    Ya like I have muscle tension laterally everywhere just worse in certain places certain times but everywhere including my tounge, sometimes my lower back is worse certain days and my traps and neck have been getting tighter lately . Also random nerve like pain everywhere, heightened sensitivity some places, and some other neurological type symptoms. Also pelvic pain symptom's and cold hands and feet. The widespread stuff just started about a year ago and really dove more in and accepted this diagnosis a month ago about. please reply about symptoms if you can.
  4. Bex1111

    Bex1111 Peer Supporter

    I have widespread muscle and mostly nerve pain. Mainly in my rib cage and chest but also legs and arms oh and face. The right rib is much more often and strong
  5. Cactusflower

    Cactusflower Beloved Grand Eagle

    The goal with TMS is to focus on the psychological.
    Constantly focusing on and discussing physical symptoms keeps our minds thinking the problem must be physical, and distracts us from the fact this psychological and that the symptoms, no matter how they present are not really important.
    Dan Buglio explains this:
    sam908 likes this.
  6. Bex1111

    Bex1111 Peer Supporter

    Thank you yes. I do know this. Its just helpful to sometimes find people to relate too especially if its been a long time. I often find people find a story they can relate to and it really helps them in recovery. I know , we always hear... the symptom don't matter, but I also see many many people who found a lot of comfort and then belief in seeing relatable.stories.
  7. KEANU4141

    KEANU4141 New Member

    sorry but just for a bit more clarity when i say widespread muscle tension/stiffness I mean laterally everywhere. And than nerve pain that can pop up anywhere, as long as pelvic pain, and some other symptom's. Please confirm thank you.
  8. Cactusflower

    Cactusflower Beloved Grand Eagle

    JanAtheCPA and TG957 like this.
  9. TG957

    TG957 Beloved Grand Eagle

    You already answered your questions. If your muscle stiffness and nerve pain are widespread, they cannot be explained by a local structural problem. The only organ that is connected to everything in the body is your nervous system which receives all the signals from the brain. This is why they prescribe antidepressants for chronic pain, and it often works, but causes side effects. The other, better way to control nervous system is to embrace Dr. Sarno method. I said it many times on this forum (and you can search for my posts) , but I will repeat it for you: the more widespread and the more bizarre your symptoms are, the more likely it is TMS.
    Cactusflower and JanAtheCPA like this.

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