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Worried about Antidepressant.

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by stevow7, Dec 12, 2024.

  1. stevow7

    stevow7 Well known member

    Hi I have been taking Prozac 30mg and everything has been going wonderful. But I read that it can cause permanent memory loss which is something I obviously wouldn’t want. Is this true?
  2. Mala

    Mala Well known member

    Are you taking the prozac for a TMS related problem? How long have you been on it?

    I have no idea about antidepressants except that many do work for pain as well & that many people will take some kind of antidepressant in conjunction with a TMS programme.

    Also that there may be some problems initially while adjusting to the drug.

    I don't feel that we are qualified here to answer your question with enough authority so it's something you should broach with your doctor. It may be that you need to switch to a different medication or adjust your dosage.

    Ellen likes this.
  3. stevow7

    stevow7 Well known member

    Hi thanks for your time. I'm taking Prozac due to persistent OCD (intrusive thoughts) and extreme anxiety due to it. It helps me to not ruminate as much.
    Not doing it due to pain or anything.

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