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Discussion in 'Support Subforum' started by Tms_joe, Jan 29, 2024.

  1. Tms_joe

    Tms_joe Well known member

    If you've spent 2 hours reading this webpage, and you didn't come away realizing you had the answer or method you were looking for, it's ok. You just missed it. Missed the understanding. Not the text.

    You're not going to come back on here daily or weekly and suddenly someone tells you the solution. It's already been given.

    Ignoring a post like this could result in years or a lifetime of pain through TMS.

    Doesn't make you dumb or a bad person. You were just unable to filter it all and sieze the correct method or understanding.

    Understand that a HUGE percentage of what is posted on these forums is from a subjective angle. Lots of personalization and bias worked into the post that is just irrelevant to what you are trying to accomplish. You'll prolong your pain doing this.

    Come here to filter through and find a method. To continue to subjugate yourself to more and more information about your TMS is just a cruel thing to do to yourself. If you had an amazing ability to do that effectively you'd have been done w this TMS stuff some time ago. It's harmful.

    Read and search until you've created the marching orders. Carry it out. Realize you'll never get to pat yourself on the back or brag about your success. It will just bring your attention back to the TMS. You'll be free though.

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