Educational Program Day 2

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Yesterday you watched a brief video about the work of Dr. John Sarno, which discussed the validity of TMS, and the success of the approach. Today you will continue to learn more about TMS, and the characteristics of TMSers, and why the pain occurs.

Educational Activity: The introduction you had yesterday focused on how repressed emotions cause pain. Today's reading focuses on what sort of events or issues may result in a person repressing their emotions, and which initiate TMS symptoms. This article is written by Kim Ruby and was published by St. John's Providence Health System. The article is entitled Back Pain and Tension Myositis Syndrome (TMS) and can be found by clicking this link. After reading it, ask yourself how this article compares to previous reading materials.

Success Story: Reading success stories can help you feel like you are no longer alone. The story of today is from wiki member brianleejackson, who battled with wrist pain that was so severe he had to quit his job. You can read his account by clicking on this link. Brian also posted about his struggle with chronic pain on the former Wiki forum, where he received feedback and support. Those original posts were transcribed to the current forum here: click here.

Begin to Recognize Your Emotions: In order to defeat TMS, it is important that you realize what aspects and factors in your life affect you emotionally. In general, TMSers repress their emotions because they believe they have to appease somebody, be it their boss, spouse, children, parents, almost anyone. This simple exercise is designed to give you an opportunity to write down what upsets you; what gets to you. In the spaces below, simply write down three things that make you angry and three things that make you sad. There is no right or wrong answer here. If you are nervous about admitting that certain things get to you, that's okay, but remember the only way to overcome TMS is to think psychological and recognize your emotions. The best way to do this is to recognize what makes you feel angry and sad. Remember you are the only person that will see this journal. Be as honest as possible.

Three things that make me feel angry are:

Three things that make me feel sad are:

Program Commitment: For the past two days you have learned the basics of what TMS is, how it occurs, and steps needed to treat it. The next step you need to take is to make a commitment to do the work needed to heal. The Program Commitment Form can be found by clicking this link.

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