Helping Out On The Wiki
This website was founded on the notion of "paying it forward," the idea that rather than trying to "pay someone back" for the way that learning about TMS has change your life, you can "pay it forward," and help someone else in the way that you were helped. If you feel like you have been helped by by books about TMS or free information that you've found on the internet, you can "pay it forward" by adding to the TMS Wiki, a completely free resource created by volunteers who hope to turn it into a 501(c)3 nonprofit. As Dr. Sarno gets older (he's 86!), websites like this will help carry his legacy forward into the next century. Dr. Sarno writes that "information is the penicillin for this disorder." We can use this wiki like a "free TMS book," reading the wiki over and over and, when inspired, even adding to it as a way of healing ourselves.
Bite-size ways that you can help
There are many ways that even a very busy person can make a big difference:
- Write a book review. This is an easy and fun way to share what has helped for you.
- Add Links to the Master Bibliography. This is a quick way to add valuable information to the Wiki. To find out more click here
- Write content in different languages. In many languages, there is no free information available about TMS. You can help change that. Email
to find out how.
- Write an essay to share your thoughts or favorite books/links/posts. We can make a "user page" with your name on it.
- Adopt a page and make it better. Other editors are always eager to help.
- Help build our community. Bringing topics up and responding to threads in our discussion forum and blog posts in our News page help create a friendly environment of mutual support.
- Become a Practitioner Survey Response Form Editor.
You don't even have to add the content yourself. If you post it in our "Change Requests" forum or email it to , we'll be happy to add it for you.
Getting more involved
If you've tried the above, felt good about it, and want to do more, check out the wiki page More ideas for how you can help.
DISCLAIMER: The TMS Wiki is for informational and support purposes only and does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment recommendations. See Full Disclaimer. |