LA Mind-Body Conference

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Saturday, March 27th, 2010

8:30 - 9:15 am: Howard Schubiner, MD, Medicine's Blind Spot: How Modern Medicine Misunderstands Mind-Body Disorders

An image of Practitioner Howard Schubiner
Practitioner Howard Schubiner

Dr. Schubiner will present recent research demonstrating that back pain, whiplash, fibromaylgia and other disorders are typically caused by psychophysiologic mechanisms.

Educational Objectives:

  • Participants will be able to list three ways that physicians commonly misdiagnose psychophysiological illnesses.
  • Participants will be able to describe a neurological model for psychophysiological illnesses.


Other Links:

Howard Schubiner, MD

Director, Mind Body Medicine Center, Providence Hospital, Southfield, MI

Author, Unlearn Your Pain, 2010

About Howard Schubiner: Who's Who Page, TMS Practitioner Survey Response, TMS Wiki User Profile Page, Q & A with an Expert Answers

9:15 - 10:00 AM: Eric Sherman, PsyD, The Psychology of Mind-Body Disorders

An image of Practitioner Eric Sherman
Practitioner Eric Sherman

Highlighted in this presentation is the development of pain symptomatology from a psychodynamic perspective.

Educational Objectives

  • Participants will learn about affect tolerance and intolerance, and how they are involved in the development of psychophysiological pain.
  • Participants will learn about the role of alexithymia in the development of psychophysiological pain.

Eric Sherman, Psy.D.

Clinical Psychologist and Psychoanalyst in NYC,

Co-Author, Pathways to Pain Relief (in progress)

About Eric Sherman: Who's Who Page, TMS Practitioner Survey Response, TMS Wiki Profile Page

10:20 - 11:05 AM: David Schechter, MD Clinical Evaluation of Patients with Mind-Body Disorders

An image of Practitioner David Schechter
Practitioner David Schechter

Dr. Schechter will describe the evaluation of a patient with a potential mind-body disorder. Physical, psychological, and personality factors that help determine the diagnosis will be discussed.

Educational Objectives

  • Participants will learn to recognize and gain further understanding of the physical signs associated with mind-body disorders.
  • Participants will improve their ability to evaluate patients for mind-body disorders after assessing patient history and personality.


Other Links:

David Schechter, M.D.

Clinical Associate Professor, USC School of Medicine

Author, The MindBody Workbook, 1999

About David Schechter: Who's Who Page, TMS Practitioner Survey Response, TMS Wiki Profile Page, Q & A with an Expert

11:05 - 11:50 AM: Dave Clarke, MD Connecting Stress to Physical Symptoms

An image of Practitioner Dave Clarke
Practitioner Dave Clarke

This presentation will examine how to uncover the connections between a client's physical symptoms and their (usually unrecognized) psychosocial stresses including implications for therapy.

Educational Objectives

  • Participants will learn how physical symptoms can be linked to several types of psychosocial stresses.
  • Participants will learn several concepts for achieving successful therapeutic outcomes in patients with mind-body disorders.

David Clarke, M.D.

Clinical Assistant Professor of Gastroenterology Emeritus, Oregon Health & Science University

Author, They Can't Find Anything Wrong!, 2007

About David Clarke: Who's Who Page, TMS Practitioner Survey Response, TMS Wiki Profile Page, Forum Posts

11:50 - 1:20 PM LUNCH

1:20 - 2:20 PM KEYNOTE: Ernest Rossi, PhD, Science Goes Where You Imagine It

A New psychotherapeutic protocol utilizing DNA Microarrays for evidence based mind-body medicine.

Educational Objectives

  • To list 3 psychosocial genomic responses to therapeutic hypnosis validated by recent research.
  • To list 4 stages of the creative process that facilitate mind-body healing and problem solving.

Ernest Rossi, Ph.D.

Internationally Renowned Psychologist, Teacher, and Pioneer in the Psychobiology of Mind-Body Healing.

Recipient of the Lifetime Achievement Award for Outstanding Contributions to the field of Psychotherapy from the American Association of Psychotherapy, 2003

Author, The Psychobiology of Mind-Body Healing: New Concepts of Therapeutic Hypnosis, 1993

Co-editor, The Collected Works of Milton H. Erickson, 2008-2010

2:20 - 3:05 PM: Howard Schubiner, MD, Mindfulness as a Therapeutic Modality

An image of Practitioner Howard Schubiner
Practitioner Howard Schubiner

Dr. Schubiner will review the research on mindful awareness and it's promotion of healthy brain activity patterns. He will lead the audience in a mindfulness exercise.

Educational Objectives

  • Participants will be able to list three ways that mindfulness practice affects brain function.
  • Participants will be able to describe the essential elements of mindfulness meditation.


Other Links:

Further information about cited studies:

From Slide 2, "Can the brain cause pain?":

  • Derbyshire SWG, Whalley MG, Stenger VA, Oakley DA. "Cerebral activation during hypnotically induced and imagined pain." Neuroimage. 2004, 23: 392– 401. [Abstract] [Cited By] [About SWG Derbyshire]

From Slide 4, "Social exclusion activates ACC and pain pathways"

From Slide 5, "Social exclusion alters pain sensitivity"

From Slide 6, "Social exclusion leads to a preference for warm drinks/food"

From Slide 7, "The Macbeth effect"

From Slide 9, "Effects of emotional abuse on cortisol levels"

  • Carpenter L, et al. "Effect of Childhood Emotional Abuse and Age on Cortisol Responsivity in Adulthood." Biological Psychiatry. 2009, 66(1): 69-75. [Abstract] [Cited By] [About Linda Carpenter]

From Slide 10, "Childhood victimization"

From Slide 11, "Pain with high vs. low "cost" placebo"

  • Waber RL, Shiv B, Carmon Z, Ariely D. "Commercial features of placebo and therapeutic efficacy." Journal of the American Medical Association. 2008, 299: 1016-7. [Abstract] [Cited By] [Full Text] [Full Text PDF]

From Slide 12, "Painful consequences of anger suppression"

From Slide 13, "Emotional function of the DLPFC

  • Hooley JM, Gruber SA, Scott LA, Hiller JB, Yurgelun-Todd DA. "Activation in dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in response to maternal criticism and praise in recovered depressed and healthy control participants." Biological Psychiatry. 2005, 57: 809-812. [Abstract] [Cited By] [About Jill Hooley]

From Slide 14, "Is LBP contagious?"

  • Raspe, Heiner, Hueppe, Angelika, and Neuhauser, Hannelore. "'Back pain, a communicable disease?"' International Journal of Epidemiology, 2008, 37: 69–74. [Abstract] [Cited By] [Full Text] [Full Text PDF]

From Slide 18, "Neural effects of mindfulness"

  • Farb N, et al. "Attending to the present: mindfulness meditation reveals distinct neural modes of self-reference." SCAN. 2007, 2: 313–322. [Abstract] [Cited By] [Full Text PDF] [Full Text]

From Slide 20, "Cortical thickness increased with mindfulness"

From Slide 22, "Mindfulness attentuates emotional interference with tasks"

  • Ortner C, Kilner SJ, Zelazo PD. "Mindfulness meditation and reduced emotional interference on a cognitive task." Motivation and Emotion. 2007, 31(4): 271-283. [Abstract] [Cited By] [Full Text PDF]

From Slide 23, "Mindfulness decreased pain and associated symptoms in Fibromyalgia at 3 year F/U"

  • Grossman P, Tiefenthaler-Gilmer U, Raysz A, Kesper U. "Mindfulness training as an intervention for fibromyalgia: evidence of postintervention and 3-year follow-up benefits in well-being." Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics. 2007, 76: 226-233. [Abstract] [Cited By]

From Slide 24, "EEG measure of contentment"

From Slide 37, "Larger gray matter volumes in mediators"

From Slide 38, "Neural effects of mindfulness"

  • Farb N, et al. "Attending to the present: mindfulness meditation reveals distinct neural modes of self-reference." SCAN. 2007, 2: 313–322. [Abstract] [Cited By] [Full Text PDF] [Full Text]

Howard Schubiner, M.D.

Director, Mind Body Medicine Center, Providence Hospital, Southfield, MI

Author, Unlearn Your Pain, 2010

About Howard Schubiner: Who's Who Page, TMS Practitioner Survey Response, TMS Wiki User Profile Page, Q & A with an Expert Answers

3:25 - 4:10 PM: Alan Gordon, LCSW Cognitive-Behavioral Approaches in the Treatment of Mind-Body Disorders

This presentation focuses on the cognitive-behavioral aspects to treating mind-body disorders, with emphasis on overcoming fear, increasing empowerment, and breaking the pain cycle.

Educational Objectives

  • Participants will gain knowledge of mental patterns that serve to perpetuate psychogenic pain.
  • Participants will learn several cognitive-behavioral techniques to help break the pain cycle.


Other Links:

Alan Gordon, L.C.S.W.: Psychotherapist, Private Practice in Santa Monica, CA

4:10 - 5:00 PM: Panel Discussion

A panel of physicians, therapists, and patients will discuss various perspectives in the treatment of mind-body disorders.

Educational Objectives

  • To offer participants an opportunity to deepen their understanding of mind body disorders from a variety of perspectives.
  • To discuss the application of the ideas from the previous presentations in a clinical context.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

8:30 - 10:05 AM: Frances Sommer Anderson, PhD, Experiencing the Pain Matrix®

An image of Practitioner Frances Sommer Anderson
Practitioner Frances Sommer Anderson

The complex, subjective experience of physical pain will be explored using silent experiential processes, followed by audience participation that will illustrate implications for treatment.

Educational Objectives

  • To demonstrate, through a silent experiential process, how memories of physical pain influence the way we experience painful sensations later in life.
  • To illustrate, using a clinical vignette, how disavowed emotions associated with childhood experiences contributed to the development of a chronic pain syndrome and how integration of the emotions led to symptom relief.

Other Links:

Frances Sommer Anderson, Ph.D.

Internationally Renowned Mind-Body Psychologist

Editor, Bodies in Treatment, 2007

Co-Author, Pathways to Pain Relief (in progress)

About Frances Sommer Anderson: About Frances Sommer Anderson, TMS Wiki Profile Page

10:30 - 12:00 PM: Eric Sherman, PsyD, A Psychodynamic Model for Resolving Physical Pain, Based on the Work of Dr. John Sarno

An image of Practitioner Eric Sherman
Practitioner Eric Sherman

This talk will present an overview of treatment approaches to patients with psychophysiological conditions, including pain. The discussion will utilize many clinical vignettes to bridge the gap between theory and practice.

Educational Objectives

  • Participants will learn how to recognize and utilize incongruities in affect to facilitate treatment.
  • Participants will learn how to monitor affect in the treatment of psychophysiological pain.

Eric Sherman, Psy.D.

Clinical Psychologist and Psychoanalyst in NYC,

Co-Author, Pathways to Pain Relief (in progress)

About Eric Sherman: Who's Who Page, TMS Practitioner Survey Response, TMS Wiki Profile Page

12:00 - 1:30 PM LUNCH

1:30 - 3:20 PM: Frances Sommer Anderson, PhD, A Treatment Approach Illustrated in "Ellen's Story: Psychic Elaboration of Musculoskeletal Pain"

An image of Practitioner Frances Sommer Anderson
Practitioner Frances Sommer Anderson

The critical role of emotions in the development and resolution of psychologically induced pain will be elaborated, focusing on theory, technique, and physician-therapist collaboration.

Educational Objectives

  • To illustrate how the therapist helps the patient recognize, tolerate, and regulate disavowed, overwhelming emotions associated with pain and other physical symptoms.
  • To demonstrate the necessity of therapist-physician collaboration.

Other Links:

Frances Sommer Anderson, Ph.D.

Internationally Renowned Mind-Body Psychologist

Editor, Bodies in Treatment, 2007

Co-Author,Pathways to Pain Relief (in progress)

About Frances Sommer Anderson: About Frances Sommer Anderson, TMS Wiki Profile Page

3:45 - 4:15 PM: Howard Schubiner, MD, Therapeutic Writing Techniques

An image of Practitioner Howard Schubiner
Practitioner Howard Schubiner

Data on the positive effects of expressive writing will be reviewed and several specific techniques will be demonstrated.

Educational Objectives

  • Participants will be able to list the effects of therapeutic writing.
  • Participants will be able to describe several therapeutic journaling techniques


Other Links:

Howard Schubiner, MD

Director, Mind Body Medicine Center, Providence Hospital, Southfield, MI

Author, Unlearn Your Pain, 2010

About Howard Schubiner: Who's Who Page, TMS Practitioner Survey Response, TMS Wiki User Profile Page, Q & A with an Expert Answers

4:15 - 5:00 PM: Doug Lynch, Media and Public Education: Challenges and Opportunities for Emerging Therapies

This presentation will examine the media's enthusiasm and skepticism with respect to reporting on new or breakthrough therapies, and how clinicians can engage with local media.

Educational Objectives

  • Participants will be able to describe how the media approaches medical news.
  • Participants will be able to list three tactics for generating media attention.

Other Links:

Doug Lynch

Director, Market Development at Boston Scientific, 2004-2009

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