Pages That Need Fixing/Dead Links
The following is a list of pages that have a dead link going to them. Dead links are caused because a link was entered incorrectly, the page name was changed, the page has not yet been added to this site, or perhaps for other reasons that we haven't identified yet. The number in parentheses refers to the number of broken links that were going to the given page when we first made this list. For example, in the case of the page "Mission Statement" there originally were four dead links to the page (but they'll all be fixed soon).
How to Fix a Link
To fix a broken link simply click on the blue link next to a page name. This will send you to a page called Pages that link to "PageName". At the bottom of this page you will see a list of pages that link to the broken link. Click on the link to one of the pages in this list and locate the broken link and correct it. You can ignore the reference to this page (Pages That Need Fixing/Dead Links)!
If the link you are trying to fix is to a page that is not on this site simply enter {{NeedsHelpFromAWikiNinja}} next to the page name in the list below. When you enter this code you will output the icon: . Doing this will alert a more advanced editor that an action needs to be taken on the page.
Sharing your tips
There is bound to be a great deal of detective work in this part of the transition, because, while we have some explanations, we don't know the causes for all broken links. If you come up with a tip, share it here.
- When you figure out how to fix a certain link, look for other pages that are like it. For example, if you fix a page that begins with "About:" work on other pages that begin with "About." Likewise, if you fix a couple of biographical pages, look for other biographical pages.
Classes of dead links
Please add to this section when you discover something on your own.
Pages about people
One of reason the wiki is so helpful is that it consists of a bunch of people telling their own stories on how they recovered. There are four different kinds of pages that mention specific people and how they recovered. They are: Profile Pages, Who's Who pages, User Pages and Talk Pages.
- Profile pages coincide with a person's wetpaint wiki account. Some consist of terrific success stories and other information about the user ranging from favorite movies to favorite approaches. These pages are unique because they can only be edited by the individual person. They are not a wiki page in the sense that they can be edited by anyone. When a wiki member is mentioned in an article these are the pages that should be linked to if they do not have a bio page.
- User Pages are simply articles written by either peers or practitioners. The content of the page should only be edited by the author of the page, however since they are a wiki page anyone can edit them. These pages range from success stories to what helped me the most pages. These should be linked to over Profile Pages in certain circumstances. For instance if you are wanting to include a link to Pandamonium's success story you should link to her User Page, but if the link is about something Pandamonium has done for the wiki then you should link to her profile page.
- Who's Who Pages are biography articles about specific people in the TMS/PPD community. To have a who's who page a person must meet a certain criteria, and for the most part these will be for practitioners. The subject of the page is not allowed to edit their own Who's Who page and information on these pages must have sources. If a practitioner has a who's who page then it should always be the primary link for the practitioner.
- Mediawiki User Talk Pages serve as profile pages for this new site, and serve most of the same guidelines as the old wetpaint Profile Pages. The only difference is that people have yet to add their success stories or any other information to them. Therefore we should link to the wetpaint profile page until the individual transfers their information over to the new page.
"About:" pages
Coordinating many editor's work to create professional and consistent pages requires documenting policies and best approaches. Back on the old wiki, we had a class of pages, called "About:" pages, that were simply pages about how to make certain other pages.
MediaWiki has facilities for "About:" pages built in. The first type are called "Talk:" pages, and they are pages that are about a specific article page. For example, every page on Wikipedia has a corresponding talk page (click here for the talk page about TMS). If you find a link to an "About:" page about a single page, the content of that page needs to be put on the corresponding page's "Talk:" page. Pages of this sort are said to be "in the Talk 'namespace,' and a complete list of them can be found here. When you find a link like this, make sure that the content for the about page is brought over to the new talk page. Someone put a lot of effort into it and we don't want to lose it!
The second type of "About:" page that you will find is a page about a whole class of pages. For example, we have pages about how to edit Bio Pages, Symptom and Diagnosis Pages, and Q&A Pages. Many of these pages are out of date and will need your help to update them. These are different from "Talk:" pages because they refer to a whole class of pages rather than a specific page. Most have already been brought over from the old site, and you can find a complete list of them here. Pages of this sort are said to be "in the TMSWiki namespace," also known as the 'Project' namespace.
All dead links
Mission Statement (originally 4 links)
- TMS en Français (originally 4 links)
- Using the Site Outline (originally 3 links)
Neck pain (originally 3 links)
Under Construction (originally 2 links)
Audrey Berdeski (originally 2 links)
Barbara Kline (originally 2 links)
- SMT Síndrome de Miositis Tensional (originally 2 links)
Q&A Explaining TMS to friends and family (originally 2 links)
About: What Helped Me the Most (originally 2 links)
David Schechter (originally 2 links)
Peter Zafirides (originally 2 links)
Howard Shubiner, MD (originally 2 links)
Guru's corner (originally 2 links)
John Stracks (originally 2 links)
- Forest: Contacting ForestForTrees (originally 2 links)
- Adding links (originally 2 links)
Home page for people new to the wiki (originally 2 links)
- Template:Documentation (originally 2 links)
Guidelines for Editors (originally 2 links)Done, Chuck
Home page for people new to TMS (originally 2 links)
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (originally 2 links)
- Forest: Conflict of Interest Policy (originally 2 links)
For TMS Practitioners (originally 2 links)
Q&A: How do I overcome initial unconscious resistance to "the work?" (originally 2 links)
User Pages (originally 1 link)
Michale Hsu, M.D. (originally 1 link)
- Patient Testimonials (originally 1 link)
Richard Harris, Ph.D. (originally 1 link)
- Internet resources (originally 1 link)
What is TMS? (originally 1 link) (Jan eliminated this link - nothing like it exists the way the Intro pages currently exist - re-wrote/enhanced the Symptom Imperative page instead)
RSI--Repetitive Strain Injuries (originally 1 link)
Nuala Crotty, M.D. (originally 1 link)
- Basic editing and formatting of text (originally 1 link)
- The "Standard Disclaimers" for online TMS advice/revision/5 (originally 1 link)
- Conflict of interest policy (originally 1 link)
What makes this website a wiki? (originally 1 link)
- How do I join and help out? (originally 1 link)
About: 20/20 Segment on John Sarno and TMS (originally 1 link)
The King’s Speech as Mind Body Syndrome, by Howard Schubiner (originally 1 link)
- The "Standard Disclaimers" for online TMS advice/history (originally 1 link)
- TMS Chat Room (originally 1 link)
- Adding to the main wiki (originally 1 link)
Find a doctor or therapist (originally 1 link)
Clark Grove, Ph.D. (originally 1 link)
- Jan wrote: Jan can't figure this one out - already fixed bad reference to "Clark Grove" (below) on the same page but this reference still shows up as being a dead link. The "Find a TMS..." page looks fine.
- Chuck wrote: I went to Special:WantedPages and saw that the only page to Clarke Grove PhD was this one, so I removed the link. I believe that when you click on the "#link" the page you go to is not up to date. Chuck
- Rob wrote: Investigating this, I noticed that in our Find a Doctor or Therapist page, we have a picture of Dr. Grove and when you click on the picture, you are sent to Clark Grove, Ph.D., which doesn't exist. In the wikitext you see the following: [[File:Practitioner Clarke Grove.jpg|thumb|link=Clark Grove, Ph.D.|alt=An image of Practitioner Clark Grove|Practitioner Clark Grove]], and the "|link=Clark Grove, Ph.D.|" section means that when people click on the picture, they are sent to that page. Could that be part of what is going on?
- Chuck wrote: I changed the link in the file name and also got rid of the periods so the page name ends with PhD
- SEARCH (originally 1 link)
- TMS Wiki visitor statistics (originally 1 link)
- TOOLBOX (originally 1 link)
The Invisible Gorilla and...TMS, by Peter Zafirides, MD (originally 1 link)
- Utility Pages (originally 1 link)
- Video Tutorials (originally 1 link)
- Welcoming Committee (originally 1 link)
- Where did the links in the home page go (originally 1 link)
- Template:Copy to your site (originally 1 link)
Relapser's Curse-There is Hope, by Skizzik (originally 1 link)
- Template:GenericBox… (originally 1 link)
- Widget:YouTube (originally 1 link)
- Template:Exxample (originally 1 link)
- Resources for graphics (originally 1 link)
- Requests for administrative action (originally 1 link)
The Invisible Gorilla and TMS, by Peter Zafirides, MD (originally 1 link)
- New template for Specific Symptom & Diagnosis pages (originally 1 link)
- About pages (originally 1 link)
DSM-IV terms that could possibly replace the term TMS (originally 1 link)
- Editor's Forum (originally 1 link)
- Helppage (originally 1 link)
- LANGUAGES (originally 1 link)
Q&A: Is it possible that trigger finger is a manifestation of TMS? (originally 1 link)
Q&A: RSD and TMS? (originally 1 link)
Q&A: TMS or truly bulging disc? (originally 1 link)
- Quick Links: (originally 1 link)
- Randompage-url (originally 1 link)
- Recentchanges-url (originally 1 link)
- Structure Educational Program (originally 1 link)
Healing Back pain (originally 1 link)
- Forest: Growing even faster than Wikipedia / goals for February (originally 1 link)
Bob Evans (originally 1 link)
Clark Grove (originally 1 link)
Clive M. Segil (originally 1 link)
Colleen Perry (originally 1 link)
Dave Clarke (originally 1 link)
Eric Sherman (originally 1 link)
Evana Henri (originally 1 link)
Frances Sommer Anderson (originally 1 link)
Hasanna Fletcher/HasannaFletcher (originally 1 link)
Jill Solomon (originally 1 link)
John Nadas (originally 1 link)
Arlene Feinblatt (originally 1 link)
- About: Events (originally 1 link)
- Reading Testimonials (originally 1 link)
- Adding a picture to your profile (originally 1 link)
- Editing your profile (originally 1 link)
About: Who's Who (originally 1 link)
- About: Annotated Bibliography (originally 1 link)
- About: TMS Professional Pages (originally 1 link)
DSM-IV terms that could possibly replace the term "TMS" "TMS" (originally 1 link)
John Sarno,MD (originally 1 link)
- How to make a Screencast video (originally 1 link)
- Tips and Tricks for Wiki Editors (originally 1 link)
Frequent Sickness Sickness Sickness Sickness Sickness (originally 1 link)
Louise Levy (originally 1 link)
Michelle Gottlieb (originally 1 link)
Nancy Selfridge (originally 1 link)
Q&A Can a person with TMS go to a therapist who uses CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy) (originally 1 link)
Q&A Flare-ups after journaling (originally 1 link)
Q&A Learning to feel emotions rather than suppressing them (originally 1 link)
My Success Story, by Pandamonium (originally 1 link)
How do I Journal? (originally 1 link)
GeorgieO (originally 1 link)
Panic attacks (originally 1 link)
- Practitioner training (originally 1 link)
About: Home (originally 1 link)Done, Chuck
Mind over back pain (originally 1 link)
- (originally 1 link)
The basics of editing this Wiki (originally 1 link)Done, Chuck
Hip pain (originally 1 link)
Serena Sterling (originally 1 link)
Survey Response: Nicholas Straiton FRCS, DM-S Med, MLCOM (originally 1 link)
Susan Farber (originally 1 link)
Trouble watching our videos (originally 1 link) brought page over, Chuck
- Forest: Essays (originally 1 link)
- Forest: Forest's TMS Wiki blog (originally 1 link)
- Forest: Storage (originally 1 link)
- Forest: Todo list (originally 1 link)
Q&A Is fibrous scarring around nerve roots likely to cause pain (originally 1 link)
Q&A Should my daughter try physiotherapy first (originally 1 link)
Shoulder pain (originally 1 link) (originally 1 link)