Q&A: Overcoming fear of a structural diagnosis

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I can't get the structural diagnosis out of my head. What do you suggest to help me overcome this problem?

Answer by Audrey Berdeski, DC

An image of Audrey Berdeski, DC
Audrey Berdeski, DC

Audrey Berdeski's Profile Page / Survey Response

Your mind is very cleverly disguising the TMS pain by having it show up where there is a structural abnormality. You now need to bring reason to the process by applying conscious thought processes to influence the unconscious mind. Begin to think about the anger and rage, instead of the physical pain. Thinking about the rage is what is required for the unconscious mind to let go of its attempt at distracting you from the rage, and manifesting TMS in your body.

Talking to your unconscious mind, telling it you know what its doing and you know the physical pain is a distraction from the repressed rage, and you are not going to be diverted and intimidated by it any longer. Try to remember that as the pain begins to decrease, because there is the possibility that TMS may target another site in your body where you have a normal abnormality--and then you will repeat the process. Journaling, fast writing, and meditation, are all ways of getting in touch with the anger and rage. Dr. Sarno says that for some people simply focusing attention from the physical to the psychological will be their cure.


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