Survey Response: Arlene Feinblatt, PhD
This survey was last updated in December 2010.
Degrees/Licenses Held: Ph.D., New York University, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, New York State License
Contact Information: Arlene Feinblatt, 212-947-7111, ext. 122.
Number of years in practice: 37 years
Number of patients you have seen who have had TMS: Thousands
What is your association to the TMS community? Began working for Dr. John Sarno in 1973.
Have you ever suffered from TMS? Everyone has suffered from TMS - the mind and the body are interconnected.
Are you able to conduct therapy session over the phone? Only if I have met with the patient and they are then able to do the work of therapy to ethical and professional standards.
What insurance plans do you accept? Medicare
Do you have a sliding scale of payment for people who are not covered by insurance? I have a few openings for low fee patients, which at this moment (12/10) are filled.
What have you done to educate yourself about TMS, and what plans do you have for further education about TMS? I originated the psychological program for Dr. John Sarno in 1973.
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