Survey Response: Frances Anderson
(This survey is in the process of being completed.)
Degrees/Licenses Held: Ph.D., Certificate in Psychoanalysis
License number: New York State Psychologist 005532-1
Contact Information: (All "business card" contact information is welcome in this field, including phone, fax, mailing address, and email address. Please delete this note before posting survey response.)
Locations where you practice: (A full street address would be helpful, though city and state will suffice. A nearby large city can sometimes be helpful as well. Please delete this note before posting survey response.)
Website: www.francessommeranderson,
TMS Wiki username (if applicable):
Number of years in practice: 35
Number of years in practice with patients who have TMS: 30
Number of patients you have seen who have had TMS: 1000-1500
Do you work with other professionals when helping TMS patients? If so, please describe.
How did you first become interested in TMS?
Have you ever suffered from TMS? (optional)
What insurance plans do you currently accept?
Do you have a sliding scale of payment for people who are not covered by insurance?
What steps should TMS clients take before contacting you?
Have you published any materials related to TMS?
Which mind-body medicine books do you find yourself recommending most frequently to patients? In particular, do you feel comfortable referring people to Dr. Sarno's books?
Additional questions for Therapists:
What have you done to educate yourself about TMS, and what plans do you have for further education about TMS?
Are you able to conduct therapy sessions over the phone? If so, which states are you licensed to practice in?
As we are going to post your answers on the TMS Wiki, feel free to write some text to introduce yourself:
DISCLAIMER: The TMS Wiki is for informational and support purposes only and does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment recommendations. See Full Disclaimer. |