Talk:Pages That Need Fixing

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Amaya's list of missing or bad links from the Books & DVDs, etc. page
(Jan has fixed as much as possible as of 12 Nov - some links are still TBA)

PAIN FREE FOR LIFE-DR BRADY Video hasnt been transfered yet from original site - DONE JanA

PEAR PROCESS The web does not work, maybe trying to go to old site - DONE - new web site for the PP inserted

PRESENCE PROCESS Check links - TBA - not sure when or how the radio show will be linked but for now it's accessed on wetpaint

  • Online Talking show
  • Online TMS Radio show


  • % In the title - Fixed JanA
  • Missing image in the Amazon review - images are TBA
  • About DR Clarke: missing image - images are TBA

UNLEARN YOUR PAIN review Title for 3rd opinion/ check link - Fixed JanA

WHAT TO SAY WHEN U TALK TO URSELF Link after synposis and before Amazon review
FIXED - I removed this link and reference to a Publisher's preview - no longer needed, because Amazon offers "Look Inside". JanA (Couldn't see it on old site because wetpaint has gone down again so I made an executive decision)