User:Becca/For TMSers New to the Wiki
Dear Fellow TMSer, Welcome to the TMS Wiki! We hope that it helps you on your journey of recovering from your TMS. You can explore the Wiki by using the sidebar of the left side of the screen, or by using the TMS search box on the top right of every page. Make sure to check out our Discussion Forum for support from people who have recovered or are recovering from TMS, as well as TMS practitioners. If you have any questions, feel free to email us at |
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Who We Are
We are a group of former TMS/PPD sufferers. We suffered from terrible pain and other symptoms for many years before finding this approach. Together, we formed the PPD/TMS Peer Network (PTPN for short), a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Our mission is to spread the word about TMS and help people recover from chronic pain. We make no money off of this website and have no intention of ever doing so. We also have no financial ties to any of the medical or mental health practitioners we discuss on this site. Further, all professionals on the site must adhere to our very stringent Conflict of Interest Policy.
For more information visit About the TMS Wiki.
Our Programs
This Wiki was the very first project of the PTPN, and is home to the most comprehensive and up-to-date directory of TMS practitioners, as well as the Structured Educational Program, a free recovery program entirely written by TMSers, and a database of hundreds of success stories, organized by specific symptoms and diagnoses.
Other projects and programs include a weekly drop-in chat and [Saturday TMS Book Discussion Group|TMS discussion group], the Thank You Dr. Sarno Project, several mailing lists,
DISCLAIMER: The TMS Wiki is for informational and support purposes only and does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment recommendations. See Full Disclaimer. |