Webinar Moderator
One of the PTPN's most inspiring and helpful programs are our TMS Webinars. Each webinar features a different special guest, such as Alan Gordon, LCSW, Peter Zafirides, MD, David Schechter, MD, Arnold Bloch and Steve Ozanich. The webinars allow participants and opportunity to learn from TMS experts, and receive feedback on their recovery. All past webinars can be found on the page: TMS Webinars.
The Role of the Webinar Moderator
A key part of the success of these webinars are the role the volunteer moderators. Staff members, much like in the regular drop in chat sessions, help facilitate the text chat portion of the discussion. If anyone has a question about how to use the software, the staff members will be able to answer those questions. One of their biggest roles is to relay questions people have asked in the forum to the host and special guest via the wiki’s regular chat room. Each webinar's have more than one moderator. Like the drop-in chat moderators, webinar moderators will volunteer in advance based on their availability.
If you are interested in becoming a webinar moderator, please contact Forest.
Related Links
For Staff: Joining a Multimedia Drop-in Chat
Drop-in Chat Moderator
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