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Peer Supporter, Male

Lostboy was last seen:
Dec 8, 2020
  • My Story

    Hey everyone...
    I am 24 year old... Soo this is all started 4 year ago .... September 2014 .. At the age of 20 As I don't know how it started . But what I thought is that once I did very hard work by lifting batteries of solar panels all days.. Soo I built inside mine that this happens due to that.. But I am not sure.. After few weeks there was no pain.. But suddenly one day I was riding a bike and I feel a spasm in my leg.. Which get cured few day later ... After that I was traveling somewhere in bus .. When I left the bus... My left leg was not able to move.. don't take my body weight .

    After that it also get cured with in few days.. But I started feeling a little amount of tingling in my leg and buttocks.. And when I walk it is quite painful...
    I remember somewhere I had readen that this leg pain was due to sciatica.. Bcs I am a science student.. I believed this thought.. After that I met an orthopedic doctor. He gave me medicine but no relief.. Another orthopedic gave me advice to have an MRI. after reading MRI he said I am having two bulging disc at l4l5 and l5s1 and they have pinched my sciatic nerve root.. Due to this I am having pain.. He gave me bed rest for month but no relief.. He suggested me to saw a neurologist.. Neurologist gave me advice to operate..

    I don't want to do operation because I was only 20 year old at that time . Soo I saw a hizama therapist.. For about 6 months with no relief.. After that I saw physiotherapist, acupuncture,.. And many more with no relief.
    Last year April 2017 I saw a chiropractor . He advised me to have spinal decompression therapy.. And did some manual spine adjustment.. But with no relief.. That was mine best shot because I read somewhere that's spinal decompression was the best possible treatment for this disease.. But I was unlucky..
    The chiropractor told me that my spine is aligned but he don't know why the pain is not going.. After that I tried electropathy, lots more.. But no relief..

    One day I was looking for treatment for disc bulge . I saw Dr Sarno theory.. And after purchasing the healing back pain book.. When I started reading.. I find everything resembles with me.. Because my childhood spended with lots of financial problems, Home violence, stress to be always be top in study because my family is poor..

    I remember 2013 was the worst year for me till date.. Because in that's year I was in too much much stress, anger because of relationship.. She left me.. I think this all happens due to my financial condition.. Soo there was lots of anger for family, and that girl also but I never speaks about that... I used to spend time alone, cry all night.. I was in depression...

    After that emotional trauma this pain started.. In 2014 soo it might be due to tms.. Became my journey have that rage, stress, anxiety, low self esteem, perfectionism, emotional by heart . I feel litle relief by pain not completely.. Soo please help me guys..
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  • My Story

    disc bulge at l4l5 and l5s1.. With low back and left leg pain upto feet.
    Hey everyone...
    I am 24 year old... Soo this is all started 4 year ago .... September 2014 .. At the age of 20 As I don't know how it started . But what I thought is that once I did very hard work by lifting batteries of solar panels all days.. Soo I built inside mine that this happens due to that.. But I am not sure.. After few weeks there was no pain.. But suddenly one day I was riding a bike and I feel a spasm in my leg.. Which get cured few day later ... After that I was traveling somewhere in bus .. When I left the bus... My left leg was not able to move.. don't take my body weight .

    After that it also get cured with in few days.. But I started feeling a little amount of tingling in my leg and buttocks.. And when I walk it is quite painful...
    I remember somewhere I had readen that this leg pain was due to sciatica.. Bcs I am a science student.. I believed this thought.. After that I met an orthopedic doctor. He gave me medicine but no relief.. Another orthopedic gave me advice to have an MRI. after reading MRI he said I am having two bulging disc at l4l5 and l5s1 and they have pinched my sciatic nerve root.. Due to this I am having pain.. He gave me bed rest for month but no relief.. He suggested me to saw a neurologist.. Neurologist gave me advice to operate..

    I don't want to do operation because I was only 20 year old at that time . Soo I saw a hizama therapist.. For about 6 months with no relief.. After that I saw physiotherapist, acupuncture,.. And many more with no relief.
    Last year April 2017 I saw a chiropractor . He advised me to have spinal decompression therapy.. And did some manual spine adjustment.. But with no relief.. That was mine best shot because I read somewhere that's spinal decompression was the best possible treatment for this disease.. But I was unlucky..
    The chiropractor told me that my spine is aligned but he don't know why the pain is not going.. After that I tried electropathy, lots more.. But no relief..

    One day I was looking for treatment for disc bulge . I saw Dr Sarno theory.. And after purchasing the healing back pain book.. When I started reading.. I find everything resembles with me.. Because my childhood spended with lots of financial problems, Home violence, stress to be always be top in study because my family is poor..

    I remember 2013 was the worst year for me till date.. Because in that's year I was in too much much stress, anger because of relationship.. She left me.. I think this all happens due to my financial condition.. Soo there was lots of anger for family, and that girl also but I never speaks about that... I used to spend time alone, cry all night.. I was in depression...

    After that emotional trauma this pain started.. In 2014 soo it might be due to tms.. Became my journey have that rage, stress, anxiety, low self esteem, perfectionism, emotional by heart . I feel litle relief by pain not completely.. Soo please help me guys..