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Peer Supporter, Male

Jimnat7 was last seen:
Jun 12, 2021
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    1. DWA
      Hi, I saw a post from last year about your neuropathy struggle and wonder if you have had any relief (using TMS or other) since then? thanks
      1. Jimnat7
        Still struggling with whether this is tms or neuropathy. I think tms but until i convince myself i guess the numbness and pain will continue. Wish i never took the emg which said neuropathy because it stays in my mind. I have noticed that when my mind is on something else the symptoms fade
        Apr 8, 2019
      2. DWA
        Interesting. I'm kind of in the same boat. Have had 3 EMG's over the last four years, all are "abnormal" and this is a stumbling block for me accepting TMS as the cause of my 9 year battle with numb and sore feet. I notice too, that warm weather seasons, with longer daylight and outside more, I don't concern myself with my feet as much. Pain is still there, but somehow less of a bother. Think that points to tms.
        Apr 23, 2019
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