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Mar 13, 2025 at 11:04 PM
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Newcomer, Male

John_Smith was last seen:
Mar 13, 2025 at 11:04 PM
  • My Story

    Hello!!! Im a mid 20s Male and im brand new to this mindset and Forum.

    Always been a worrier throughout my life. And I experienced some Right Foot Pain, first starting in 2021. Took me awhile to diagnose but it was revealed to be sesamoiditis. This lead me down a worry+catastrophizing spiral of ever worsening conditions. Left foot, both knees, hips, ankle, shoulder, back, Plantar Fascists, hand pain... Going to the doctors and getting imaging revealed no issues and the pain wasnt constant and kinda 'moved around'.

    Then in summer of 2023 I sprained my ankle and did a 60 mile Backpacking trip. Upon returning everything got drastically worse. This led to a mindset that i was 'crippled' and doomed to a 60ish more years of life with ever increasing pain. I became fearful of walking and showing up to work became a battle with pain as i was on my feet all day.

    This led me to seeking out alternative type treatments and I recently found Sarno’s teachings.

    Sarnos Techniques have actually helped alot and reduced many of my symptoms. And in a bery short time made a massive difference in my outlook, mood and mindset.

    But I still have a little bit of problems with my feet, hands and shoulder. Im looking for support and advice in this journey and im very thankful ive found Sarnos Books and teachings.

    And id love to talk, asking questions, bounce ideas. And let me tell you I have A LOT OF QUESTIONS! :)

    Thanks for you time.
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  • My Story

    Hello!!! Im a mid 20s Male and im brand new to this mindset and Forum.

    Always been a worrier throughout my life. And I experienced some Right Foot Pain, first starting in 2021. Took me awhile to diagnose but it was revealed to be sesamoiditis. This lead me down a worry+catastrophizing spiral of ever worsening conditions. Left foot, both knees, hips, ankle, shoulder, back, Plantar Fascists, hand pain... Going to the doctors and getting imaging revealed no issues and the pain wasnt constant and kinda 'moved around'.

    Then in summer of 2023 I sprained my ankle and did a 60 mile Backpacking trip. Upon returning everything got drastically worse. This led to a mindset that i was 'crippled' and doomed to a 60ish more years of life with ever increasing pain. I became fearful of walking and showing up to work became a battle with pain as i was on my feet all day.

    This led me to seeking out alternative type treatments and I recently found Sarno’s teachings.

    Sarnos Techniques have actually helped alot and reduced many of my symptoms. And in a bery short time made a massive difference in my outlook, mood and mindset.

    But I still have a little bit of problems with my feet, hands and shoulder. Im looking for support and advice in this journey and im very thankful ive found Sarnos Books and teachings.

    And id love to talk, asking questions, bounce ideas. And let me tell you I have A LOT OF QUESTIONS! :)

    Thanks for you time.