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Sep 7, 2024
Aug 19, 2024
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Newcomer, Female

Nientje was last seen:
Sep 7, 2024
  • My Story

    In Pelvic Pain since april approximately. Doctor has not found anyting wrong. My holistic physiotherapist says in will pass because my body is not broken. Read Alan Gordon in June and Sarno and now Ozanich and listen to Dan Briano. Nicole Sachs book is on the way. Some days I can destract myself and telling myself i Will be okay. But I have been in fear for all my life and this is the key to handle. Struggling with this.
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  • My Story

    In Pelvic Pain since april approximately. Doctor has not found anyting wrong. My holistic physiotherapist says in will pass because my body is not broken. Read Alan Gordon in June and Sarno and now Ozanich and listen to Dan Briano. Nicole Sachs book is on the way. Some days I can destract myself and telling myself i Will be okay. But I have been in fear for all my life and this is the key to handle. Struggling with this.