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Houston, Tx

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New Member, Female, from Houston, Tx

Being in pain for more than a year, back pelvis, hips abdomen and buttock. Started reading healong back pain , and started to have hope Oct 18, 2018

Nissou was last seen:
Mar 2, 2019
  • My Story

    It started with only back pain while i was pregnant, after delievery it get worse and then i had an MRI that showed Disc herination and a bulge, i had many session of chiropractor, TeNs, ultrasound , PT, medication. Bit was getting worse and worse, 5 months ago, i could not walk anymore or stand in one position for more than a 5 mn , last year i used to run 5k once a week. Feeling desperate at my 34 th birthday , i looked online for some hope and healing stories and then i found a comment saying " please read Dr sarno's book" i google it and here i am , i started reading 20 days ago , i have hope even if my pain is still here, sometimes better and some days no. But i keep hoping.
    1. Nissou
      Being in pain for more than a year, back pelvis, hips abdomen and buttock. Started reading healong back pain , and started to have hope
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  • My Story

    Houston, Tx
    Disc herination and disc bulge
    It started with only back pain while i was pregnant, after delievery it get worse and then i had an MRI that showed Disc herination and a bulge, i had many session of chiropractor, TeNs, ultrasound , PT, medication. Bit was getting worse and worse, 5 months ago, i could not walk anymore or stand in one position for more than a 5 mn , last year i used to run 5k once a week. Feeling desperate at my 34 th birthday , i looked online for some hope and healing stories and then i found a comment saying " please read Dr sarno's book" i google it and here i am , i started reading 20 days ago , i have hope even if my pain is still here, sometimes better and some days no. But i keep hoping.