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Last Activity:
Jan 6, 2018
Dec 9, 2016
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Self-Styled Contemplative

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Peer Supporter, Female, from Canada

Difficult day, discouraged but fighting. Feel distant from body and emotions, trying to be "here". Dec 22, 2016

OnTheRoad was last seen:
Jan 6, 2018
  • My Story

    Day One: I think I have TMS. Or rather, I think I have a mindbody problem that shows itself in the form of pain. I don't care what it's called, but "tension" is definitely a part of it. A big part. I am beginning to believe that I've had this for decades, and it has manifested as different things: acid reflux, IBS, nausea, pain, and that it comes down to anxiety/fear/repressed emotions. I have been reading Dr. Sarno's books and Googling what TMS recoverers say. I have also been using Canadian physiotherapist/international pain expert/yoga therapist Neil Pearson's online self-management "Life is Now" program. His material and approach overlaps with Dr. Sarno's, but also focuses on breath awareness and body awareness practises. I tend to overanalyze so I am going to stop now, but just to say, I have experienced that letting emotion out, changing my belief systems, and talking back to my brain all make a difference.
    1. OnTheRoad
      Difficult day, discouraged but fighting. Feel distant from body and emotions, trying to be "here".
    2. OnTheRoad
      Day 5. Body scan/relaxation meditation after journalling felt great, restored feeling of peace and ease to my body.
    3. OnTheRoad
      Day Four: Breathing Lessons.
    4. OnTheRoad
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  • My Story

    Self-Styled Contemplative
    Grade one or two Spondylolisthesis; Spondylosis; Spinal Stenosis; Scoliosis; seems to be all things beginning with "S" and ending in "sis", what they hey.
    Day One: I think I have TMS. Or rather, I think I have a mindbody problem that shows itself in the form of pain. I don't care what it's called, but "tension" is definitely a part of it. A big part. I am beginning to believe that I've had this for decades, and it has manifested as different things: acid reflux, IBS, nausea, pain, and that it comes down to anxiety/fear/repressed emotions. I have been reading Dr. Sarno's books and Googling what TMS recoverers say. I have also been using Canadian physiotherapist/international pain expert/yoga therapist Neil Pearson's online self-management "Life is Now" program. His material and approach overlaps with Dr. Sarno's, but also focuses on breath awareness and body awareness practises. I tend to overanalyze so I am going to stop now, but just to say, I have experienced that letting emotion out, changing my belief systems, and talking back to my brain all make a difference.