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Beloved Grand Eagle
Keep the faith and keep going! Mar 30, 2022
My Story
Healing is always possible, no matter how chronic or severe the symptoms may be. It's all about trading obsession and negativity for happiness and forgiveness. Get back to fully living life again.
Trying to heal means you're still obsessing over the symptoms in some capacity. Obsession and trying to heal encourages symptoms and stimulates the nervous system. You have to stop forcing yourself to heal... just be!
This means forgetting about the desired outcome (to heal) - and getting back to fully living your life without fear. What do you enjoy doing? What do you love about yourself? Do you connect with life and yourself through meditation, going for walks, loving others, listening to uplifting music, appreciating nature, etc.? These are simply ideas, not things you have to do. Find something that speaks to you personally and love the hell out of it.
Understand that nothing is permanent in life, and you and your body are safe right now. None of this is permanent. You don’t even have to dwell on what caused the symptoms (this can sometimes lead to more obsession) - you only have to work toward acceptance, loving yourself, and enjoying some things in life. But do these things because love is good for your soul, not because you want to heal.
For what it’s worth, sometimes ordering more TMS books or further researching this topic also creates more obsession. Information overload is not necessarily your friend. Believe in your ability to heal and look to people who have healed for guidance.
There’s nothing wrong with not being healed yet, and relapses or bad days can certainly happen as we deal with difficult situations and powerful emotions throughout our lives (none of us are perfect with flawless lives), but be mindful of advice from anyone who is obsessed with and fearful of their own symptoms. It’s like taking financial advice from someone still working their way out of bankruptcy; they can and will absolutely come back stronger than ever and eliminate fear and obsession one day, but they aren’t there today. And that’s 100% OK because we’ve all been there - otherwise we wouldn’t be on this forum at all. I wish I had known that while I was still healing and feeling terrified because I was primarily interacting with people who were in just as bad of a place as me. It made me think healing wasn’t possible. Many of us have healed!
As I always say, TMS is not an actual medical condition. Nobody “has” TMS. It’s a natural bodily response to emotions - every single individual who has been on this planet experiences it. The body is designed to respond to our emotions - it’s the mind-body connection: this is why wounds have been scientifically documented to heal slower when one is stressed, this is the placebo effect, this is how spontaneous recoveries/remissions from serious issues occur (fun fact: the recoveries/remissions aren’t so spontaneous after all!), this is fight-or-flight mode turning on during a threat, this is the release of happy neurotransmitters when you smile, this is the release of adrenaline while upset, this is why cancer patients die quicker when they’re depressed and believe they’re going to die, etc. From a simple eye twitch when you’re angry to full blown CRPS or PTSD after a traumatic event, we’re all affected. Don’t view this as anything other than a fact of nature. Your mind and your body are powerful, and you can overcome this. Your symptoms will decrease as you truly live life again.
The keys to how I healed: http://www.tmswiki.org/forum/threads/how-i-healed-from-a-myriad-of-symptoms.18723/ (How I healed from a myriad of symptoms) - Loading...
My Story
- Diagnoses:
- Ehlers-Danlos; I understand that this connective tissue disorder can cause autonomic and mast cell dysfunction, but the mind-body connection certainly plays a role in my symptoms.
Healing is always possible, no matter how chronic or severe the symptoms may be. It's all about trading obsession and negativity for happiness and forgiveness. Get back to fully living life again.
Trying to heal means you're still obsessing over the symptoms in some capacity. Obsession and trying to heal encourages symptoms and stimulates the nervous system. You have to stop forcing yourself to heal... just be!
This means forgetting about the desired outcome (to heal) - and getting back to fully living your life without fear. What do you enjoy doing? What do you love about yourself? Do you connect with life and yourself through meditation, going for walks, loving others, listening to uplifting music, appreciating nature, etc.? These are simply ideas, not things you have to do. Find something that speaks to you personally and love the hell out of it.
Understand that nothing is permanent in life, and you and your body are safe right now. None of this is permanent. You don’t even have to dwell on what caused the symptoms (this can sometimes lead to more obsession) - you only have to work toward acceptance, loving yourself, and enjoying some things in life. But do these things because love is good for your soul, not because you want to heal.
For what it’s worth, sometimes ordering more TMS books or further researching this topic also creates more obsession. Information overload is not necessarily your friend. Believe in your ability to heal and look to people who have healed for guidance.
There’s nothing wrong with not being healed yet, and relapses or bad days can certainly happen as we deal with difficult situations and powerful emotions throughout our lives (none of us are perfect with flawless lives), but be mindful of advice from anyone who is obsessed with and fearful of their own symptoms. It’s like taking financial advice from someone still working their way out of bankruptcy; they can and will absolutely come back stronger than ever and eliminate fear and obsession one day, but they aren’t there today. And that’s 100% OK because we’ve all been there - otherwise we wouldn’t be on this forum at all. I wish I had known that while I was still healing and feeling terrified because I was primarily interacting with people who were in just as bad of a place as me. It made me think healing wasn’t possible. Many of us have healed!
As I always say, TMS is not an actual medical condition. Nobody “has” TMS. It’s a natural bodily response to emotions - every single individual who has been on this planet experiences it. The body is designed to respond to our emotions - it’s the mind-body connection: this is why wounds have been scientifically documented to heal slower when one is stressed, this is the placebo effect, this is how spontaneous recoveries/remissions from serious issues occur (fun fact: the recoveries/remissions aren’t so spontaneous after all!), this is fight-or-flight mode turning on during a threat, this is the release of happy neurotransmitters when you smile, this is the release of adrenaline while upset, this is why cancer patients die quicker when they’re depressed and believe they’re going to die, etc. From a simple eye twitch when you’re angry to full blown CRPS or PTSD after a traumatic event, we’re all affected. Don’t view this as anything other than a fact of nature. Your mind and your body are powerful, and you can overcome this. Your symptoms will decrease as you truly live life again.
The keys to how I healed: http://www.tmswiki.org/forum/threads/how-i-healed-from-a-myriad-of-symptoms.18723/ (How I healed from a myriad of symptoms)Interact